Vietnam: 06 main contents of the environmental decontamination, improvement and remediation plan

Recently, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam has issued the Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT to elaborate some Articles of the Government’s Decree No. 40/2019/ND-CP dated May 13, 2019 on amendments to Decrees on guidelines for the Law on Environmental Protection and provide for management of environmental monitoring services.

According to Article 30 of the Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam, the environmental decontamination, improvement and remediation of contaminated sites shall be based on the environmental decontamination, improvement and remediation plan.

phuong an xu ly, cai tao phuc hoi moi truong, Thong tu 25/2019/TT-BTNMT

The plan shall contain the following main contents:

- General information about the contaminated site;

- Results of investigation and assessment of the level of risk of the contaminated site.

- Decontamination methods (whether in-situ decontamination or ex-situ decontamination that involves transport of contaminants to a designated decontamination facility);

- Decontamination techniques and technology solutions for mitigation or removal of residual contaminants from the contaminated site; comparison of technical alternatives and analysis for the purpose of selecting an optimum solution;

- Control and supervision during and after decontamination;

- Decontamination plan implementation roadmap and schedule.

- Detailed contents of the environmental decontamination, improvement and remediation plan are provided in the Form No. 04 Appendix V of Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT.

The owner of the environmental decontamination, improvement and remediation project shall prepare a decontamination plan. To be specific:

- Regarding the project within the jurisdiction of the state to carry out dissemination, the project owner shall set up and submit the project for approval in accordance with the Law on State Budget of Vietnam. If such project is funded by the central government budget, the project approving authority shall submit the project dossier to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment to obtain opinions prior to the approval;

- Regarding the project the jurisdiction of an organization or individual to carry out dissemination, the organization or individual shall submit the decontamination plan to the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment or provincial People's Committee within its jurisdiction to carry out preliminary investigation and assessment as prescribed in Clause 5 Article 25 of Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT.

View full text at the Circular No. 25/2019/TT-BTNMT of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam, effective from February 15, 2020.

Thu Ba


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