Vietnam: 04 required outcomes for graduates of Warehouse Management, Level 4 of VQF

This is notable content from Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH on the minimum knowledge volume and required competencies for graduates from intermediate (Level 4 of VQF) and college (Level 5 of VQF) levels in business, management, and law sectors in Vietnam.

04  Requirements  for  Intermediate-Level  Warehouse  Management,  Occupation,  Circular  20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH

Vietnam: 04 required outcomes for graduates of Warehouse Management, Level 4 of VQF (Illustrative image)

Under Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH, Warehouse Management, Level 4 of VQF in Vietnam is a profession that involves controlling the movement flow of goods in and out of the warehouse, handling inventory information, and coordinating with numerous other resources such as production; product and service supply; from the supply of inputs for the production process to the distribution of output products. To effectively accomplish the above tasks, graduates of Warehouse Management, Level 4 of VQF in Vietnam must meet the following 04 requirements:

1. Knowledge

- Be able to describe various types of records/documents in warehouse operations, the rules for coding goods, inventory checks, methods for determining appropriate packaging for each order, how to create warehouse entry-exit documents, and principles of arranging goods into transport vehicles;

- Be able to list different types of warehouse operations, the data content required for the warehouse system, steps for storing records related to warehouse entry-exit, warehouse management documents, invoices, records, packing records, and quality system documents; methods for handling damaged goods;

- Be able to present the content and legal regulations related to warehouse operations;

- Be able to present labor safety standards, security measures for goods;

- Be able to present basic concepts and processes of inventory management in warehouse operations;

- Be able to describe the steps and methods for performing tasks, document transfers in warehouse operations;

- Be able to express features and operational methods of equipment, common incidents in warehouse operations;

- Be able to present information retrieval and receipt processes related to warehouse entry-exit, warehouse management, document transfers, goods handling;

- Be able to present equipment functions and tasks, goods inventory content, bookkeeping, personnel, machinery, and other relevant supervision tasks in the warehouse;

- Be able to present methods for determining goods locations, handling various types of goods, and calculating packing staff numbers;

- Be able to present methods for packing different types of goods, quality management methods in the warehouse;

- Be able to present the principles of order preparation, content requirements, entry-exit methods according to sequence or priority, causes of poor-quality incidents in the warehouse;

- Be able to present basic knowledge of politics, culture, society, law, national defense, security, and physical education as per regulations.

2. Skills

- Be able to detect risks and hazards concerning labor safety and goods security;

- Identify the causes and functions of warehouse equipment and assets;

- Utilize specialized machinery in the warehouse's automated system;

- Promptly detect common incidents in warehouse operations;

- Determine causes of common incidents;

- Implement goods coding according to rules, input goods data into systems, create warehouse entry-exit documents, retrieve and receive content related to warehouse entry-exit, warehouse management, and goods handling;

- Inspect, validate, and oversee content related to goods, bookkeeping, personnel, machinery, tools, and documents in the warehouse;

- Create periodic reports related to inventory, causes of poor-quality incidents in the warehouse;

- Apply procedures for warehouse entry-exit, warehouse management, document transfers, quality management, and staff calculation methods;

- Apply document transfer methods, inventory management procedures, methods for determining appropriate packaging for each order, sequential or priority-based entry-exit methods;

- Apply inventory check steps, methods for packing various goods, and principles for arranging goods into transport vehicles, and damaged goods handling steps;

- Store records related to warehouse entry-exit, warehouse management, invoices, records, packing records, and quality system documents.

- Utilize basic information technology as regulated and apply IT in some professional tasks;

- Employ basic foreign language skills, achieving level 1/6 in Vietnam's Foreign Language Proficiency Framework, and apply foreign languages in some professional tasks.

3. Level of autonomy and responsibility

- Possess a civic responsibility, comply well with workplace regulations and laws, be confident, proactive, united, cooperative, willing to share experience with colleagues, and protect the environment;

- Be capable of identifying, analyzing, and assessing information from various sources; adapt to changing work conditions;

- Work methodically, organized, and self-evaluate personal work results;

- Be responsible for the results of work and product quality according to defined standards and partially responsible for the results and products of other team members.

4. Job positions after graduation

Graduates who meet the above requirements can undertake the following job positions:

- Goods receiving;

- Inventory management;

- Warehouse entry;

- Warehouse exit;

- Warehouse operation coordination;

- Warehouse document management;

- Goods handling in the warehouse;

- Goods packing;

- Quality and risk management.

Details can be seen in Circular 20/2019/TT-BLDTBXH effective from February 06, 2020.

Ty Na


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