To submit to the Government of Vietnam the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry in 2024

To submit to the Government of Vietnam the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry in 2024
Trần Thanh Rin

Is it true that in 2024, the Scheme for developing human resources for the semiconductor industry will be submitted to the Government of Vietnam?– Thanh Truc (Gia Lai)

To submit to the Government of Vietnam the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry in 2024

To submit to the Government of Vietnam the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry in 2024 (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

On May 9, 2024, the Government issued Resolution 66/NQ-CP, the Government's action program to implement Resolution 41-NQ/TW on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese entrepreneurs in the new period.

To submit to the Government of Vietnam the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry in 2024

Specifically, in terms of improving policies and laws and creating an investment-friendly and equal business environment for the development and dedication of entrepreneurs and enterprises, the Government of Vietnam requests the Ministry of Planning and Investment to take the lead and coordinate with relevant agencies to focus on implementing the following key contents:

- Urging, monitoring, and building reports to evaluate the implementation of Resolution 99/NQ-CP issued by the Government in 2017, the Government's action program to implement Resolution 11-NQ/TW issued by the 5th Central Committee of the 12th Party Congress on perfecting the socialist-oriented market economy institution; proposing measures to promote the implementation of the Resolution in the coming time, while adjusting towards controlling and eliminating privileges and monopolies in production and business; submitting to the Government in 2025.

- Improving the Government's proposal to issue the Law on Cooperatives 2023 and promoting the implementation of the Law on Cooperatives to continue innovating, developing, and enhancing the effectiveness of collective economic activities in the new phase; promoting the implementation of Decision 1804/QD-TTg in 2020 by the Prime Minister approving the program to support the development of collective economic activities and cooperatives in the period of 2021-2025 and conducting review and evaluation and proposing the Prime Minister to issue the program to support the development of collective economic activities and cooperatives in the new phase.

- Researching and proposing amendments and supplements to the Law on Enterprises 2020 to overcome current shortcomings and obstacles.

- Reviewing and improving mechanisms and policies to encourage investment in startups and innovation. Finalizing the amendments to Decree 38/2018/ND-CP on detailed regulations for investment in small and medium-sized startup enterprises and Decree 94/2020/ND-CP on mechanisms and incentives for National Innovation Centers; submitting them to the Government in 2024.

- Urging and monitoring the implementation of Decision 687/QD-TTg in 2022 by the Prime Minister approving the Circular Economy Development Scheme in Vietnam.

Improving the decree on pilot mechanisms for circular economy models; submitting it to the Government in 2024.

- Evaluating the implementation of Decision 999/QD-TTg in 2019 by the Prime Minister approving the program to promote the sharing economy model; proposing to the Prime Minister the adjustment to tasks and solutions to create an equal business environment between sharing economy enterprises and traditional enterprises, as well as to facilitate and support traditional enterprises in transforming their business models and developing domestic technology enterprises; reporting to the Prime Minister in 2025.

- Researching and perfecting the Scheme for developing human resources for semiconductor industry until 2030, with a vision towards 2045; submitting it to the Prime Minister in 2024.

- Researching and drafting a decree to replace Decree 01/2021/ND-CP on business registration; submitting it to the Government in 2024.

- Researching and proposing amendments and supplements to the Law on assistance for small and medium-sized enterprises 2017, focusing on policies to support enterprises in expanding their scale, enhancing competitiveness, production capacity, promoting innovative business models, and applying sustainable business models; supporting enterprises led by women, social impact enterprises, enterprises operating in particularly difficult areas, and minority ethnic entrepreneurs; submitting to the Government for reporting to the National Assembly to include in the program for formation of laws and ordinations of the National Assembly in 2026.

More details can be found in Resolution 66/NQ-CP, dated May 9, 2024.


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