To strengthen Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam

To strengthen Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

On May 24, 2024, the Central Committee issued Directive 34-CT/TW on strengthening Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam

To strengthen Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam

To strengthen Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

To strengthen Communist Party of Vietnam's leadership in the development of social housing in the new situation in Vietnam

To enhance and improve the effectiveness of social housing development, contributing to addressing the basic housing needs of the people, the Secretary-General requests Party committees at all levels, Party organizations, authorities, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political and social organizations thoroughly understand and strictly implement the following key tasks and solutions:

(1) Strengthen propaganda and raise awareness and responsibility of officials and Party members, especially those in leadership positions in agencies, organizations, enterprises, and the community, regarding the nature and significance of social housing development; recognize that social housing development is a political determination and an important task of the Party and the entire political system; reflecting the good characteristics and nature of our regime is one of the priority tasks in the country's socio-economic development. Focus on leading, directing, and fulfilling the responsibilities of leaders in improving the quality and effectiveness of social housing development. Include social housing development targets in the local five-year and annual socio-economic development plans. By 2030, aim to completely eliminate temporary and dilapidated housing for poor households, near-poverty households, and people affected by natural disasters and climate change. Complete the construction of at least 1 million social housing units for low-income individuals and industrial zone workers in urban areas. Implement effective housing support programs, especially for revolution contributors and their families, people facing housing difficulties in rural areas, ethnic minority areas, and mountainous regions. Ensure that 100% of revolution contributors and their families receive proper housing care.

(2) Implement independent planning and arrangement of social housing projects, either standalone or within commercial housing projects, in convenient locations with good transportation connections, linked to industrial centers, ensuring the synchronicity of technical infrastructure and essential social infrastructure. The State should prioritize land allocation, funding, and create a favorable environment for social housing development. Provide substantial incentives and policies to attract and encourage domestic and foreign economic entities to invest in and develop social housing, and implement housing support policies for targeted groups.

Develop diverse forms of social housing and mechanisms and policies for the purchase, rental, rent-to-own, hostels, and dormitories for workers, low-income individuals in urban areas, students, and armed forces personnel, with prices appropriate to the payment capacity of each beneficiary. Increase the proportion of social housing available for rent. Focus on providing housing and land for revolution contributors, the poor, and policy beneficiaries, ensuring compliance with land use plans, construction planning, and housing development plans in each phase of the locality. Combine the flexible participation of state support policies with the involvement of political and social organizations, enterprises, and individuals. Social housing and worker dormitories supported by the state in target programs should ensure quality construction, architecture, and landscape, meet all standards, regulations, security, safety, fire prevention, and fighting requirements, and have synchronized technical infrastructure and essential social infrastructure (healthcare, education, culture, etc.).

(3) Review and improve the legal system related to social housing, particularly in terms of financial mechanisms, resource utilization, land, investment, public investment, construction, bidding, urban and rural planning, urban development management, management and use of public assets, tax policies, industrial park management, economic zones, etc. Support policies and benefits for beneficiaries of social housing policies must ensure transparency, fairness, and target the right beneficiaries; increase housing support for individuals with contributions and policy beneficiaries in target programs. Ensure an accurate and sufficient determination of reasonable and valid costs in determining the price of social housing. Study and issue specific mechanisms and policies on social housing for workers and the armed forces. Enhance legal frameworks and facilitate mechanisms and policies for the Vietnam General Confederation of Labor to participate in the development of social housing using trade union funds.

Issue mechanisms and policies to facilitate and proactively allocate budget funds for social housing development projects at the local level, implement compensation, land clearance, and resettlement to obtain clean land for social housing; invest in technical infrastructure outside of social housing construction projects, connect technical infrastructure systems, and ensure the overall social infrastructure within and outside the project scope. Promote administrative procedure reforms, create favorable conditions for businesses to invest in social housing development, and ensure easy access to social housing for eligible beneficiaries; minimize the time required to complete administrative procedures related to investment, construction, business, buying, selling, management, and use of social housing. Implement administrative procedure sequences for land allocation, land clearance, construction investment, and selection of social housing project investors... in a streamlined, fast, convenient, transparent, and open manner. Provide incentives and encourage the development of environmentally friendly social housing models that promote energy efficiency, sustainable development, and low carbon emissions.

(4) Mobilize and efficiently utilize resources for social housing development; prioritize the allocation of state budget funds from the central and local levels in a proportionate and timely manner to ensure the implementation of social housing development goals; the state focuses on developing rental social housing in urban areas through public investment; promote the socialization of capital for social housing development, especially from domestic and foreign enterprises. Review and promptly resolve difficulties and obstacles to effectively implement the social housing support loan program. Study the establishment of a social housing development fund or an appropriate financial institutional framework for long-term and sustainable social housing development; expand the sources of social housing development funds from local development investment funds and foreign sources; encourage the establishment of investment funds, trust investment funds, and joint activities and partnerships to implement social housing projects.

Adequately allocate budgetary funds to the Social Policy Bank to implement support policies and provide loans for social housing development; fully and timely provide interest subsidies to commercial banks designated by the State to provide preferential loans for individuals and businesses in social housing development; review, innovate, and continue to expand preferential loan programs for individuals and households to purchase, rent, or rent-to-own social housing according to social housing policies.

(5) Strengthen the effectiveness and efficiency of state management, innovate management methods and models for social housing development; promote the application of information technology and digital transformation; empower and decentralize authority to localities in social housing development, coupled with strengthened inspection, supervision, and monitoring to ensure the implementation of social housing projects, land planning, land use plans, and social housing development land funds in commercial housing projects for their intended purposes. Strictly manage and supervise the investment, construction, sales, leasing, and use of apartment units in social housing projects. Have strong penalties, prevent and promptly handle any violations and policy exploitation. Accelerate the completion of building a database system of information on housing and real estate markets, including social housing. Study the establishment and operation mechanisms of state-owned enterprises specializing in social housing development.

More details can be found in Directive 34-CT/TW, issued on May 24, 2024.


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