To proactively implementing epidemic prevention and control in Vietnam

What directive has the Ministry of Health recently issued on proactively implementing epidemic prevention work? – The Chien (HCMC)

To proactively implementing epidemic prevention and control in Vietnam
To proactively implementing epidemic prevention and control in Vietnam (Internet image)

To actively implement epidemic prevention

The content mentioned in Official Dispatch 5103/BYT-DP in 2023 on proactively implementing epidemic prevention and control issued by the Ministry of Health.

To continue to be proactive in epidemic prevention and control measures, to be negligent and lethargic, and to contribute to creating conditions for socio-economic development, the Ministry of Health respectfully requests the People's Committees of the provinces and centrally-run cities to direct the implementation of the following contents:

- Continuing to thoroughly understand and strictly implement the directions of the Government and the Prime Minister in the prevention of epidemics; effectively implementing Resolution 38/NQ-CP dated March 17, 2022 of the Government and instructions of the Ministry of Health in the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic and other infectious diseases such as dengue fever, hand, foot, and mouth disease, etc.; do not let the epidemic re-emerge; and minimize the risk of epidemic overlap.

Resolution 38/NQ-CP dated March 17, 2022: This program will be implemented over the course of two years, from 2022 - 2023. In case the epidemic ends earlier or lasts until 2024, the Ministry of Health shall report to the Government to consider continuing the implementation of this program or promptly amending and supplementing it in accordance with the epidemic situation.

- Directing to continue to actively monitor and closely monitor the epidemic situation in the area; prepare plans to respond to possible epidemic situations; continue to promote surveillance, early detection, and timely handling of cases and outbreaks; and effectively implement the expanded vaccination program in 2023, vaccination against COVID-19.

- Directly coordinating closely with the Institutes of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Pasteur, and Hospitals under the Ministry of Health for sampling and gene sequencing to detect new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus early and promptly reporting to the Ministry of Health when new variants of the SARS-CoV-2 virus are detected.

- Directing to continue to well organize and prepare the plans for patient collection and treatment; strictly implement infection control and effectively implement the work of directing the line, improving the capacity of diagnosis and treatment; continue to ensure logistics, funding, drugs, vaccines, biological products, supplies, chemicals, equipment, and human resources to be ready for epidemic prevention and control.

- Directing the strengthening of disease prevention communication to raise awareness and change people's behavior in protecting the health of themselves, their families, and the community; regularly updating information on the epidemic situation; and advising people to comply with epidemic prevention requirements.

Official Dispatch 5103/BYT-DP was issued on August 12, 2023.

According to the World Health Organization's updated information from the national infectious disease surveillance system, the new variant EG.5 of the SARS-CoV-2 virus had a global prevalence rate of 17.4% in the week from July 17–23, 2023, which increased more than 2 times compared to the week from June 19–25, 2023. The World Health Organization considers the sub-variant EG.5 of Omicron to be of concern because it is currently spreading in many countries and possibly creating a new wave of infections.

On May 5, 2023, the World Health Organization declared that the COVID-19 epidemic was no longer a public health emergency of global concern. However, that does not mean that COVID-19 is no longer a threat or that it is less dangerous.

Duong Chau Thanh


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