To prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam

To prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam
Trần Thanh Rin

What tasks has the Prime Minister assigned to localities regarding preventing smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam? – Minh Tuan (Lam Dong)

To prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam
To prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam (Internet image)

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On January 31, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Official Telegram 12/CD-TTg on strengthening prevention and strict handling of cases of smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam.

To prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam

The Prime Minister requests the Chairman of the People's Committees of provinces and centrally run cities, especially the Southwest border provinces:

- Direct the strengthening of inspection and control, especially at border gates, trails, openings in border areas, seaports, riverways, etc., to prevent, detect, and strictly handle cases of smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam; In cases of illegal smuggling, re-export or destruction must be carried out immediately, and at the same time, organizations and individuals who commit violations must be strictly handled in accordance with the law.

- Direct the forces of the Police, Border Guard, Customs, and Steering Committee 389 at the local level to strengthen measures to combat and prevent smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, animal breeds, and aquatic products across borders; coordinate with local authorities to promptly arrest and strictly handle any violations.

- Organize propaganda for people in border areas about the dangers and harmful effects of smuggling and illegally transporting animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products that are not quarantined and of unknown origin; mobilize people not to participate, consume, or assist in the illegal import and transport of animals and animal products into Vietnam.

- Direct and strengthen inspection and traceability of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products suspected of being smuggled, illegally transported, and consumed in the area; promptly detect and strictly handle cases of law violation.

- Establish working groups to inspect and urge the control and prevention of smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products into Vietnam.

- Be responsible to the Prime Minister if there is a situation of smuggling or illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products across the border into Vietnam, leading to disease outbreaks.

Ministries and branches, including the National Steering Committee to combat smuggling, trade fraud, and counterfeit goods (National Steering Committee 389), continue to direct and implement seriously and effectively the Prime Minister's direction. in Directive 29/CT-TTg of 2023 on preventing smuggling and illegal transportation of animals and animal products; good control of epidemics; sustainable livestock development; ensuring food supply; and Official Dispatch 871/CD-TTg in 2022 on rectifying and handling negative acts related to production, import, and customs clearance of goods at border and land border gates; focus on preventing and strictly handling cases of smuggling and illegal transportation of buffaloes, cows, pigs, poultry, and lobster breeds across the border into Vietnam.

Some of the following specific tasks are implemented:

- The Ministry of National Defense directs the Border Guard to coordinate closely with functional units of ministries, branches, and local authorities in preventing smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products on the border; direct units to coordinate with localities to organize information and propaganda to raise awareness among people in border areas about the prevention and control of epidemics, smuggling, and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products across borders.

- The Ministry of Public Security directs units and local police to coordinate with functional forces of the Ministry of National Defense, Ministry of Industry and Trade, Ministry of Finance, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, and local authorities in preventing smuggling and illegal transportation of animals, animal products, livestock breeds, and aquatic products across borders; Establish a special project to fight against illegal traders and transporters across borders and legalize the origin of animals, animal products, and animal quarantine documents to strictly handle violations according to legal regulations.

More details can be found in Official Telegram 12/CD-TTg, dated January 31, 2024.


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