To improve the law, create a favorable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses in Vietnam

What tasks has the Central Government set to improve the law and create a favorable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses in Vietnam?

To improve the law, create a favorable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses in Vietnam

To improve the law, create a favorable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses in Vietnam (Internet image)

To improve the law, create a favorable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses in Vietnam

The content mentioned in Resolution 41-NQ/TW in 2023 on building and promoting the role of Vietnamese businessmen in the new era was issued by the Central Executive Committee.

The task of perfecting policies and laws and creating a favorable, safe, and equitable investment and business environment for entrepreneurs and businesses to develop and contribute is set out as follows:

- Urgently review and institutionalize promptly, fully, and synchronously the Party's guidelines and policies on developing the team of entrepreneurs and the business community; Continue to improve development institutions, socialist-oriented market economy institutions, laws on ownership, freedom of business, protection of legal property rights, starting a business, and supplementing business sanctions. suitable economics to handle violations, not criminalize economic relations... ensuring a stable, synchronous, unified, transparent, equitable legal framework, especially in accessing resources in land, finance, and technology; implementing the public-private partnership method; promoting innovation; taking people and businesses as the center and service objects; Control and eliminate privileges and monopolies in production and business.

- Pay attention to building and perfecting policies and laws on developing the digital economy, digital society, green economy, circular economy, sharing economy, new production and business models, and fields to expand development space for entrepreneurs and businesses; Synchronously develop all types of markets, especially capital, labor, land use rights, science, and technology markets.

Research and deploy a controlled testing mechanism to create conditions for entrepreneurs and businesses to have breakthroughs in a number of new, advantageous, and potential fields.

- Strengthen state management and promote administrative reform, especially administrative procedure reform, to improve the effectiveness of implementing the Party and State's guidelines, policies, and laws.

Gradually expand and perfect the dialogue and consultation mechanism between elected bodies and state management agencies with businessmen.
in the process of building, planning, and organizing the implementation of strategies, policies, laws, and socio-economic development plans.

- Innovate and improve the effectiveness of inspection, inspection, and supervision activities, ensuring openness and transparency in relations between state agencies, civil servants, public employees, and entrepreneurs and businesses; Have a mechanism to prevent and strictly handle acts of harassment, obstruction, corruption, and negativity towards businessmen and businesses.

Promoting the role of elected bodies, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations in supervising the implementation of policies and laws related to entrepreneurs and businesses.

Objectives of Resolution 41-NQ/TW

- Overall objectives

Develop a strong entrepreneurial team in quantity, quality, reasonable structure,
have vision, intelligence, ethics, entrepreneurial spirit, legitimate enrichment, dynamism, creativity, advanced management capacity, compliance with the law,
have ethics and a business culture with a national identity; have social responsibility and awareness of environmental protection; and make worthy contributions to the country's development goals.

- Target until 2030

Develop a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity, and qualifications to meet the country's industrialization and modernization goals; Strive to have more and more businesses reach the regional level; some businesses reach the world level; A number of large enterprises have leading roles in key industries and fields; Some businesses have an important position and role in the supply chain and global value chain, owning a number of industrial and agricultural value chains and having international competitiveness in foundation, priority, and spearhead industries.

- Vision to 2045

Develop a team of Vietnamese entrepreneurs with scale, capacity, and qualifications to meet national development goals, high income, position, and regional and international reputation; be a part of the enterprise with world brands; and lead a number of supply chains and global value chains.

More details can be found in Resolution 41-NQ/TW 2023.

Duong Chau Thanh


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