To focus more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript

To focus more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript
Quốc Tuấn

Recently, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued an Official Dispatch on focusing on the directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript.

To focus more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript

To focus more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript in Vietnam (Internet image)

On May 8, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 2088/BGDDT-GDTH on focusing more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting Digital Academic Transcript

To focus more on directing the implementation of the task of piloting of Digital Academic Transcript in Vietnam

On March 1, 2024, the Ministry of Education and Training of Vietnam (MoET) issued Plan 213/KH-BGDDT on the implementation of the piloting the Digital Academic Transcript at the Primary level (Plan No. 213) to comply with Directive 04/CT-TTg dated February 11, 2024, of the Prime Minister on the continuing to promote the implementation of the Scheme for developing applications of data on population, identification and e-authentication serving national digital transformation in the period 2022-2025, with a vision to 2030 in ministries, central and local authorities in 2024. Through the process of inspection and supervision of the implementation at the local level, it shows that most local authorities have established Steering Committees, issued plans, guiding documents, performed tasks related to the Digital Academic Transcript within their responsibilities and authority and achieved initial effectiveness. However, some local authorities have not timely performed tasks as stipulated in Plan No. 213 and the documents issued by the MoET providing the guidance for the implementation of the piloting the Digital Academic Transcript. To strengthening the work of directing and implementing the tasks of piloting the Digital Academic Transcript, the MoET requests the Departments of Education and Training to focus on implementing the following contents:

- Timely and effective implementation of tasks within their authority as specified in Plan No. 213 and the documents issued by the MoET on the guidance for the implementation of the piloting of the Digital Academic Transcript, which is suitable for the practical conditions in each locality. During the implementation process, it is necessary to clearly determine the tasks and responsibilities at each level, ensuring successful implementation at the primary education level and drawing lessons to prepare for the official implementation at the secondary education level in accordance with the spirit of the Prime Minister's Directive 04/CT-TTg regarding the implementation of the piloting of the Digital Academic Transcript in June 2024 and nationwide implementation in the academic year 2024-2025 and so on.

- Directing educational institutions to upgrade their school management software (if any) to meet the requirements for implementing the Digital Academic Transcript as regulated. Establishing regulations for managing the Digital Academic Transcript within the authority and scope of educational institutions.

- Developing the Digital Academic Transcript Portal at the Department of Education and Training to ensure the connection and data sharing of the Digital Academic Transcript from educational institutions to the Department of Education and Training's academic transcript database.

- Issuing regulations for managing and using the Digital Academic Transcript within the locality, decentralizing responsibilities among the Department of Education and Training, educational institutions, and relevant individuals and organizations.

- Providing appropriate solutions to equip digital signatures for officials and teachers to use in their overall tasks and digitally sign the Digital Academic Transcript within their authority

- Coordinating with providers of the Digital Academic Transcript service to develop training plans for usage, operation, and related system content.

- During the implementation process, coordinating, requesting, and monitoring the service providers of the Digital Academic Transcript service  to deploy plans and technical solutions to ensure the following: (i) Updating the XML specification according to Appendix 1; (ii) Consistently using the display version of the Digital Academic Transcript and the Extracted version of the Digital Academic Transcript as in Appendix 2; (iii) Implementing standard connections from educational institutions to the Department of Education and Training and from the Department of Education and Training to the MoET according to Appendix 3 (Appendices 1, 2, and 3 are attached to this Official Dispatch).
Upon receiving this Official Dispatch, the MoET requests the Departments of Education and Training to promptly implement and ensure quality and effectiveness. During the implementation process, if any issues or problems arise, the Departments of Education and Training are requested to report them to the MoET (via the Department of Primary Education and the Department of Information Technology) for timely resolution.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 2088/BGDDT-GDTH issued on May 8, 2024.



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