To ensure fundamental safety functions of the nuclear power plants in Vietnam when operating

Below is important content specified in Circular 30/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology, on nuclear safety applicable to the designs of nuclear power plants in Vietnam, issued on December 28, 2012.

To ensure fundamental safety functions of the nuclear power plants in Vietnam when operating
To ensure fundamental safety functions of the nuclear power plants in Vietnam when operating (Internet image)

Article 5 of Circular 30/2012/TT-BKHCN stipulates that the fundamental safety functions of the nuclear power plant include: controlling the reactivity, removing heat from the reactor and the fuel store; confining the radioactive materials, shielding against radiation, controlling planned radioactive releases, and limiting accidental releases. The fundamental safety functions must be fulfilled under any plant state (normal operation and abnormal operation, the state upon the occurrence of design basis accidents and beyond design basis accidents)

A systematic approach shall be taken to identify:

  • The items important to safety necessary to fulfill the fundamental safety functions;
  • The inherent features that contribute to fulfilling the fundamental safety functions or affect the fundamental safety functions under any plant state.

In addition, Article 6 of Circular 30/2012/TT-BKHCN stipulates that the conditions for radiation protection in the nuclear power plant design must be satisfied, including:

  • The radiation doses to the site personnel and the public do not exceed the prescribed limits, and they are kept as low as reasonably achievable under any plant state.
  • The situations that might lead to high radiation doses or major releases of radioactive material to the environment must be practically eliminated.
  •  The measure for mitigating radiological consequences of highly possible accidents must be enhanced.

More details can be found in Circular 30/2012/TT-BKHCN, which comes into force from February 11, 2013.           

Le Vy


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