To deploy the integration of Official and public employee cards on VneID in Vietnam

To deploy the integration of Official and public employee cards on VneID in Vietnam
Võ Ngọc Nhi

According to the scheme to develop applications for population and VNeID, will the officials and public employees will be integrated into the VNeID application in Vietnam? - Ngoc Linh (HCMC)

To deploy the integration of Officials and public employees cards on VneID in Vietnam

To deploy the integration of Official and public employee cards on VneID in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Ministry of Home Affairs issued Decision 72/QD-BNV dated February 13, 2023, approving the Task Implementation Plan under the Scheme to develop the application of population data, electronic identification, and authentication to serve national digital transformation in the period 2022–2025, with a vision to 2030 (Project 06/CP) in 2023 in Vietnam.

The content of implementing the national database on cadres, civil servants and public employees in state agencies is as follows:

1. Task of implementing the national database on Officials and public employees in state agencies in Vietnam

1.1. Deploy transmission infrastructure to connect ministries, branches, and localities to the Central Government

Unify the plan to exploit specialized data transmission networks for end-users at ministries, branches, and localities to access and use the national database software on Officials and public employees.

- Leading unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

- Coordinating unit: Central Postal Department, Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

- Completion time: Before March 31, 2023.

1.2. Update, integrate, and synchronize data about Officials and public employees

- For 26 ministries, branches and localities that have been equipped with software systems at the grassroots level, units are required to urgently update and synchronize data on QSDLGQ about Officials and public employees in administrative agencies from the Central to the commune level, ensuring the principle of "Right - Enough - Clean - Alive".

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security, ministries, branches and localities that already have software at the grassroots level and related agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before June 30, 2023.

(Detailed implementation time for 26 ministries, branches and localities in Appendix 2)

- Phase I for the remaining 70 ministries, branches and localities that do not have software systems: To quickly deploy Project 06 and respond to Project 893, ensuring data with the principle of "True - Sufficient" , units need to urgently update information on Officials and public employees according to the Ministry of Home Affairs' guidance form on the National Database profile entry portal on Officials and public employees; the officials and public employees proactively update personal information on the VNeID application of the Ministry of Public Security.

(A detailed list of 70 ministries, branches, and localities that have not yet deployed grassroots-level software is in Appendix 3).

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before June 30, 2023.

- Phase II for the remaining 70 ministries, branches, and localities that do not have software systems: To ensure data with the principle of "True - Sufficient - Clean - Live", data with high legality, confirmed by competent units on data that Officials and public employees have updated, the ministries, branches, and localities are requested to urgently deploy and build a software system for managing civil servants and public employees at the grassroots level to update and synchronize data on officials and public employees in administrative agencies from the central to the commune level on the National Database on Officials and public employees.

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministries, branches, localities, and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before December 31, 2023.

- Propagate and disseminate to ministries, branches, and localities the need to build a software system to manage officials and public employees at the grassroots level to ensure that the data in the National Database about officials and public employees is "Correct - Enough - Clean - Live"

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministries, branches, localities, and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before February 28, 2023

- Provide a set of technical standards and instructions for providers of official and public employee management software for ministries, branches, and localities to easily integrate with the National Database on Officials and public employees of the Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Coordinating unit: Ministries, branches, localities and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before February 28, 2023

1.3. Connect and share national database data on officials and public employees in state administrative agencies with the national database on population

- Leading unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

- Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security, VNPT Group and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

- Completion time: Before March 15, 2023.

1.4. Ensuring security and information safety

- Complete security and information security infrastructure to meet requirements according to Official Dispatch No. 1552/BTTTT-THH, dated April 26, 2022, of the Ministry of Information and Communications, level 3 serves to connect the national database on Officials and public employees in state agencies with the national population database

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security, VNPT Group, and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before March 15, 2023.

- Complete the information security level profile for the Data Integration Center of the Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Units providing IT services for the Ministry of Home Affairs and related units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before April 30, 2023.

- Periodically or irregularly coordinate with relevant units to assess the security and safety of the information systems of the Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security, Ministry of Information and Communications, and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Time: done regularly according to regulations.

1.5. Training and fostering knowledge and skills for the team of Officials and public employees to manage, operate, and exploit the national database on Officials and public employees in state agencies

- Conference to thoroughly grasp and train on updating, synchronizing, and authenticating data nationwide.

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry Office, Information Center, Department of Social Security Administration Police, Ministry of Public Security (Department C06), and relevant units of the Ministry of Public Security.

+ Completion time: Before March 20, 2023.

- Training and fostering for Officials and public employees in system administration

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry Office; Department C06, Ministry of Public Security; and related units of the Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Completion time: Before April 30, 2023.

- Training and fostering the team of Officials and public employees on updating, supplementing, exploiting, and using information data from the National Database on Officials and public employees in state agencies

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry Office, Information Center, and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before July 31, 2023.

- Training and fostering officials and public employees of the Ministry of Home Affairs on digital transformation (including topics: management, operation, and exploitation of national data; information safety and security; investment management in compliance with the e-Government architecture of the Ministry of Home Affairs)

+ Responsible unit: Department of Personnel Organization, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security, Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry Office, Information Center and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Completion time: Before August 15, 2023.

1.6. Manage, operate, and exploit the national database on Officials and public employees

- Periodically update and supplement information and proactively exploit information from the national database system on officials and public employees to serve the state management of the Ministry of Home Affairs

+ Responsible unit: Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministries, branches, localities, and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Time: done regularly.

- Manage, operate, and ensure security and information safety for the national database system on Officials and public employees

+ Presiding unit: Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Coordinating unit: Ministry of Public Security and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs.

+ Time: Done regularly.

2. To deploy the national database on cadres, civil servants, and public employees in state agencies in Vietnam 



Unit leader



Cordination with





Deploy transmission infrastructure to connect from NPC to Central

Agree on plans and support for exploiting specialized data transmission networks for end-users at local hospitals to access and use national database software on civil servants

Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs

Central Postal Department, Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs

March 31, 2023


Update, integrate, and synchronize data about officials and public employees



For the 26 localities that have been equipped with a management system/database for public servants at the grassroots level, units are required to urgently update and synchronize data with the national database on public servants in administrative agencies from the central to the commune level to ensure the principle of "Right - Enough - Clean - Alive"

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

The Ministry of Public Security, the Provincial People's Committees already have software at the grassroots level and related agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs

June 30, 2023

Upgrade the basic software system to ensure compatibility, connection, and data sharing with the National Database on officials and public employees according to technical standards of the Ministry of Information and Communications


Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

April 15, 2023

Work with the National Civil Service Department, Ministry of Information and Communications to make connections between the civil servant and public employee management system at the grassroots level to the National Database of Civil Servants of the Ministry of Home Affairs on the national data sharing and integration platform NDXP

Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs

National Police Department, Ministry of Information and Communications, Local MND

March 31, 2023

Implement connection and data sharing between the management system/database of public employees at the grassroots level with the national database on public employees at the Ministry of Home Affairs

Information Center, Ministry of Home Affairs

Local People's Committee, Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

June 30, 2023


Phase I: For the remaining 70 local hospitals that do not have a management system/database for officials and public employees, to quickly deploy Project 06 and respond to Project 893, ensuring data with the principle of "Correct - Sufficient", the Units need to urgently update information of public servants according to the guidance form of the Ministry of Home Affairs on the Profile Update Portal, and public servants proactively update personal information on the VneID application of the Ministry of Public Security.

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

Ministry of Public Security and relevant agencies of the Ministry of Home Affairs

June 30, 2023

Local MNDs update data on officials and civil servants under their management according to the form and send it to the Ministry of Home Affairs via the profile update portal to synchronize with the national database on public employees (updating information by unit).


VNPT Group and relevant units of the Ministry of Home Affairs

April 15, 2023

Implementing information collection for public employees on VneID application (updating information by individual)



Build a function that allows public employees to update personal information on the VneID application

Police Department of Administrative Management of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Security

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

February 28, 2023


officials and public employees registers for electronic identification and installs the VneID application

Police Department of Administrative Management of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Security

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

February 28, 2023


officials and public employees updates information on the VneID application

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

Police Department of Administrative Management of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Security

April 15, 2023


Integrate officials and public employees card on VneID application

Department of Civil Servants and Public Employees, Ministry of Home Affairs

Police Department of Administrative Management of Social Affairs, Ministry of Public Security

Perform regularly as prescribed


41 lượt xem

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