To conduct enquiries from parents regarding activities outside of families and schools for children in Vietnam

To conduct enquiries from parents regarding activities outside of families and schools for children in Vietnam
Lê Trương Quốc Đạt

Conducting enquiries from parents regarding activities outside of families and schools for children in Vietnam is the content specified in Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2022.

Trẻ em tham gia hoạt động ngoài trường học phải lấy ý kiến của cha, mẹ

To conduct enquiries from parents regarding activities outside of families and schools for children in Vietnam (Internet image)

The Minister of Labor, War Invalids and Social Affairs of Vietnam issued Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH dated December 29, 2022 guiding children's participation in activities outside the family, outside educational institutions.

1. Conducting enquiries from parents regarding activities outside of families and schools for childrens in Vietnam

Accordingly, in Article 3 of Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH stipulating the rights of children, parents and caregivers when children participate in activities outside the family, outside the educational institution as follows: :

For children aged at least from 07, agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools must be responsible for conducting enquiries from children and their parents and caregivers as prescribed in Point e Clause 2 Article 4 of Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH.

For children aged under 07, their parents and caregivers have the right to make decision on participation in activities outside of their families and schools on behalf of their children. The enquiry from children’s parents and caregivers shall comply with regulations in Point e Clause 3 Article 4 of Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH.

Thus, when children aged 07 years or older, when participating in activities outside the family, outside the educational institution, the agency, organization or enterprise that organizes the activity is responsible for conducting enquiries from children and their parents and caregivers

In the case of children under 07 years old, their parents and caregivers have the right to act on behalf of the child to allow the child to participate in activities outside the family, outside the educational institution.

2. Rights and responsibilities of agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools in Vietnam

Rights and responsibilities of agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools in Vietnam according to Article 4 of Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH are as follows:

- Agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools have the right to:

+ Refuse participation of children before they participate in activities organized by agencies, organizations and enterprises if they do not meet health requirement for participation in such activities through medical examinations for children.

+ Require children’s parents and caregivers to cancel activities of their children organized by agencies, organizations and enterprises if they do not meet health requirement for participation in such activities.

- Agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools are responsible for:

+ Regularly caring and monitoring children’s health during the process of participation in activities outside of their families and schools organized by agencies, organizations and enterprises;

+ Fully announce programs, time, duration, subjects, number of participating children, organization forms, human resources (including guides, coordinators, volunteers, person in charge of children and lecturers) to children, their parents and caregivers before children participate in such activities;

+ Transparently disclosing contributions to activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools to children and their parents and caregivers before children participate in such activities;

+ Satisfying health and health workforce requirements for timely giving first/emergency aid to children participating children;

+ Ensuring prevention and fight against child abuse, accidents and injuries, prevention and control of fires, explosions and epidemics according to regulations.

Promptly notifying the People’s Committees of communes where agencies, organizations and enterprises organize activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools of incidents including violence against children, child abuse, accidents and injuries of children.

+ Enquiring opinions from children's parents and caregivers before children participate in activities outside of their families and schools using the Form specified in Appendix I enclosed herewith and enquiring opinions from children aged from at least 07 using the Form specified in Appendix II enclosed herewith;

+ Managing and storing documents including lists of health workforce engaged in the organization of activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools; opinions of children's parents and caregivers; opinions of children.

- They shall notify supervisory authorities or governing bodies before conducting activities if agencies, organizations and enterprises organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools affiliate to socio-political organizations and armed forces.

If organizations and enterprises are tasked with organizing activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools, they must notify the People’s Committees of communes where such activities are conducted before organizing such activities.

In case religious institutions open classes on religion with participation of children and organize activities with participation of children outside of their families and schools, laws on religious beliefs shall be applicable.

More details can be found in Circular 27/2022/TT-BLDTBXH effective from March 1, 2023.


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