Titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST)

Titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST)
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST)?

Titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST)

Titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST) (Internet image) 

Regarding this issue, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On November 17, 2023, the Minister of Public Security issued Circular 65/2023/TT-BCA on the Head of the Professional Department of the People's Public Security with the authority to sanction administrative violations in the fields of security, order, and social safety; the prevention of social evils; fire protection and prevention; rescue and salvage; and preventing and combating domestic violence.

Titles of Head of Professional Department of People's Public Security Department with authority to sanction fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam (LATEST)

Specifically, the positions of Head of Professional Department of the People's Police with authority to sanction administrative violations in the field of fire prevention and fighting include:

(1) Head of professional department under the Department of Internal Political Security includes: Head of Internal Security Department of Central Party and State agencies; Head of Security Department of judicial agencies, law makers, and central socio-political organizations;

Head of Press and Publishing Security Department; Head of Health and Education Security Department; Head of Department of Cultural Security, Sports, and Social Labor; Head of Postal Security, Telecommunications, and Information Technology Department; Head of State Management Department for protecting State secrets.

(2) Head of the professional department under the Police Department for administrative management of social order includes: Head of the Department of Guidance and management of weapons, explosives, support Tools, and artillery; Head of the Department of Guidance and management of investment and business sectors with conditions on security, order and seals; Director of the National Population Data Center.

(3) Head of the professional department of the Traffic Police Department includes: Head of the Department of Guidance on propaganda, investigation, and resolution of traffic accidents; Head of Vehicle Guidance, Registration, and Inspection Department; Head of the Department of Guidance, training, testing, and license management of vehicle drivers;

Head of the Department of Patrol Guidance and Road and Railway Traffic Control; Head of Traffic Control and Group Guidance Department; Head of the Department of Guidance on patrolling, controlling and fighting crime on inland waterways; Captain.

(4) Head of professional department under the Police Department of Fire Prevention, Fighting, and Rescue, including: Head of Fire Prevention Department; Head of Approval Department for Fire Prevention and Fighting; Head of Fire Fighting and Rescue Department; Head of Department of Science - Technology Management and Inspection of Fire Prevention, Fighting, Rescue, and Rescue Equipment.

(5) Head of professional department under the Department of Cyber Security and Prevention and Combat of Crime Using High Technology includes: Head of Department of Prevention and Combat of Crime Using Cyberspace to Intrude on Economic Management Order; Head of the Department of Crime Prevention and Control using cyberspace to violate social order;

Head of Network Information Security Department; Head of National Information Network Security Protection Department; Head of Department of Network Information Monitoring and Prevention and Control of Cyberspace Use to Infringe National Security.

(6) Head of professional department under the Immigration Management Department including: Head of Department of Management of entry, exit, and residence of foreigners; Head of Department of Immigration and Exit Management of Vietnamese Citizens.

Responsibilities for fire prevention and fighting in Vietnam

Specifically, the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2001 (amended in 2013) stipulates the responsibilities for fire prevention and fighting as follows:

- To prevent and fight fire is the responsibility of every agency, organization, household or individual on the territory of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam.

- Citizens, who are full 18 years of age or older and have good health shall have to join civil defense groups or grassroots fire brigades set up at their residential or working places, when so requested.

Heads of agencies or organizations within their duties and power shall:

+ Propagate and disseminate knowledge about the fire prevention and fighting; develop the all-people movement participating in fire prevention and fighting; form and maintain the activities of team of fire prevention and fighting as prescribed by law;

+ Promulgate under the authority the rule and measures on fire prevention and fighting;

+ Implement, inspect and supervise the compliance with regulations on fire prevention and fighting;

+ Ensure funding for the activities of fire prevention and fighting and properly use it; equipping and maintaining the activities of tools and means of fire prevention and fighting, preparing the conditions for fire fighting; formulate and practice fire fighting plan, ensure the conditions for professional training of fire prevention and fighting and organize the fire fighting and make good the consequences caused by fire;

+ Perform other duties on fire prevention and fighting as prescribed by law;

- Family holders shall:

+ Urge and remind family members to comply with regulations on fire prevention and fighting;

+ Regularly inspect, detect and promptly remedy the risk of fire or explosion;

+ Coordinate with other organizations, agencies and family households in ensuring the conditions for fire prevention and fighting; strictly control and safely use flammable or explosive substances;

+ The individuals shall:

+ Comply with regulations, rules and requirements on fire prevention and fighting of the competent persons or authority;

+ Comply with the law and thoroughly grasp necessary knowledge about fire prevention and fighting; know how to use common tools and means of fire prevention and fighting;

+ Ensure the safety of fire prevention and fighting during the use of source of fire or heat, the fire or heat generating equipment and tools and in preservation and use of inflammable materials;

+ Prevent the risk of direct fire generation and acts of violation of regulations on safety of fire prevention and fighting;

+ Comply with other regulations related to personal responsibility in the Law on Fire Prevention and Fighting 2001 (amended in 2013).

- The fire fighting police shall have to guide and inspect fire prevention and fighting activities of agencies, organizations, households and individuals and perform fire-fighting task.

Circular 65/2023/TT-BCA takes effect from January 1, 2024 and replaces Circular 10/2015/TT-BCA.


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