There are only 28 units left in the organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency

What are the amendments on the organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency specified in Decree 87/2022/ND-CP of the Government? - Quoc Nguyen (Kom Tum)

There are only 28 units left in the organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency
There are only 28 units left in the organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency (Internet image)

The Government issued Decree 87/2022/ND-CP dated October 26, 2022 regulating the functions, tasks, powers and organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency. In there:

To reduce 2 units in the organizational structure of Vietnam News Agency

Specifically, according to Article 3 of Decree 87/2022/ND-CP, Vietnam News Agency includes the following 28 units:

1. Editorial Secretariat and External Relations Department.

2. Administrative Affairs Office.

3. Organisation and Personnel Department.

4. Planning and Finance Department.

5. Domestic News Department.

6. World News Department.

7. News for Foreign Service Department.

8. Press Photography Department.

9. Economic News Department.

10. Database-Documentation and Infographic Centre.

11. VNA Television Centre.

12. Tin Tuc (The News) newspaper.

13. The thao & Van hoa (Sports & Culture) newspaper.

14. VietnamPlus e-newspaper.

15. Viet Nam News.

16. Le Courier du Vietnam.

17. Vietnam Law & Legal Forum.

18. Vietnam Pictorial.

19. Ethnic Minority and Mountainous Region Pictorial.

20. Vietnam News Agency Publishing House.

21. VNA Office for the Southern Region.

22. VNA Office for the Central – Central Highlands Region.

23. VNA Local Bureaus in Provinces and Cities established according to regulations of law.

24. VNA Overseas Bureaus established according to regulations of law.

25. VNA Technical Centre.

26. VNA Profession Training Centre.

27. VNA Media Development Centre.

28. VNA International Cooperation Centre.

The units prescribed in Clauses 1 through 4 of this Article are assisting organizations of the General Director; the units prescribed in Clauses 5 through 24 of this Article are information units; the units prescribed in Clause 25 through 28 of this Article is information service providers.

The Administrative Affairs Office has 06 divisions, the Planning and Finance Department has 04 divisions.

(Compared to the current regulations in Decree 118/2017/ND-CP, there is a reduction of 02 units including the Inspection Committee and the Information Technology Center.)

Duties and powers of Vietnam News Agency

Decree 87/2022/ND-CP also stipulates that The VNA shall fulfill tasks and entitlements prescribed in Decree 10/2016/ND-CP and Decree 47/2019/ND-CP and the following specific tasks and entitlements:

- Develop long-term, medium-term and annual strategies, programs and plans and significant projects of the VNA, submit them to the Government and Prime Minister and organize the implementation thereof after being approved.

- Post and broadcast official documents and information of the Vietnamese Communist Party and the State; collect and compile common information, reporting information and reference information by various types of media and multi-media, multi-platform communications to be promptly provided at the request of the Communist Party and the State.

- Publish official viewpoints of the State on current affairs; redirect information that is not in line with national interests; object and correct false information; issue a statement of refuting the information intended to be misleading when necessary.

- Collect, compile, publish, print and release publications and products of various types of media and multimedia to be provided to mass media agencies, the public and other domestic and foreign entities.

- Perform tasks of the national key foreign press agency; collect, compile and disseminate information about Vietnam in different languages ​​to domestic agencies and organizations, foreign news agencies and press; foreigners and overseas Vietnamese.

- Archive information materials; build an information data bank; manage national photographic documents and organize the use of these materials to be provided for the information and dissemination of domestic and foreign affairs of the VNA and the satisfaction of needs of the communist party and state agencies, domestic and foreign organizations and individuals.

- Inform and disseminate in the spoken and written language of ethnic minorities to ethnic minorities and mountainous people.

- Provide information and cooperate with related agencies in performing national defense and security tasks.

- Organize the conduct of research and application of scientific and technological progress and digital transformation in the operation of the VNA.

- Require international cooperation in terms of fields under the VNA’s functions, tasks and powers in accordance with regulations of law.

- Exercise rights and responsibilities of representing the state owners and organizing management of enterprises established by the VNA.

- Manage and decide investment and construction projects within its competence in accordance with law; participate in verifying important projects and programs within its professions at the request of the Prime Minister.

- Implement the financial autonomy mechanism in accordance with law; in the special case, the VNA shall propose and cooperate with relevant ministries and agencies in developing regulations on the specific financial autonomy mechanism of the VNA and submitting them to competent authorities for promulgation thereof.

- Decide and direct the execution of programs for administrative reform of the VNA according to targets and contents of the overall programs for state administrative reform issued by the Government of Vietnam.

- Manage its organizational apparatus, public employees and workers; working positions, organization of officials in accordance with job titles; decide rotation, transfer, appointment, dismissal, resignation, temporary assignment, training, refresher training, commendation, disciplinary actions, retirement, salary regimes and other policies applied to public employees and workers under its management as prescribed by law.

- Organize activities of providing services in accordance with its functions and tasks as prescribed by law.

- Manage and use public property and state budgets transferred at home or abroad in accordance with state budget laws, public property management and use laws and related laws.

- Report to the Government, the Prime Minister, the Ministry of Information and Communications and other competent agencies.

- Perform other tasks and entitlements assigned by the Government or Prime Minister in accordance with law.

Decree 87/2022/ND-CP takes effect from November 1, 2022.

Nhu Mai


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