The Prime Minister of Vietnam requests the public disclosure of the list of establishments that do not ensure fire prevention and fighting

Recently, the Prime Minister of Vietnam has mandated the public disclosure of establishments that do not meet fire safety standards.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam requests the public disclosure of the list of establishments that do not ensure fire prevention and fighting (Image from the internet)

The Prime Minister of Vietnam signed Directive 19/CT-TTg on June 24, 2024, on enhancing fire prevention and fighting for multi-story, multi-apartment houses, and standalone houses combined with production and business.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam requests the public disclosure of the list of establishments that do not ensure fire prevention and fighting

In order to proactively prevent and curb fire incidents, minimizing the damage caused by fires, the Prime Minister has instructed the chairpersons of the provincial and municipal People's Committees:

  • Direct the public disclosure of establishments that do not meet fire safety requirements on the provincial or municipal People's Committee's electronic information portals, to be completed before July 30, 2024.

  • Based on technical documents guiding urgent solutions to enhance fire safety conditions published by the Ministry of Construction's functional unit, provincial and municipal People's Committees should issue guiding documents on urgent solutions to enhance fire safety conditions in line with local conditions, to be completed before July 30, 2024.

  • Direct the organization to review, inspect, classify, and guide fire safety solutions for multi-story, multi-apartment houses (mini-apartments), standalone houses combined with production and business (including rental housing). Require heads of establishments and household heads to commit to and follow the fire safety enhancement solutions issued by the provincial and municipal People's Committees. These solutions should be implemented before March 30, 2025. After this period, non-compliant establishments must cease operations until fully compliant.

  • Direct the review of the issuance of business registration certificates for multi-story, multi-apartment houses, standalone houses combined with production and business (including rental housing). During the licensing process for construction and renovation of the aforementioned types, strictly require heads of establishments and household heads to implement fire safety measures as prescribed.

  • Direct the review and strict handling of establishments that do not meet fire safety requirements but were put into use before the Fire Prevention and Fighting Law 2001 became effective, in accordance with the provincial People's Committee's resolution implementing Article 63a of the Fire Prevention and Fighting Law, to be completed within 2024.

  • Direct the review of construction planning and urban planning for residential areas, urban renovation areas, and resettlement areas to adopt measures limiting fire risks. Pay special attention to conditions regarding traffic, water sources for firefighting, and rescue operations. Resolve issues related to illegal structural extensions blocking common pathways, obstructing traffic and evacuation routes, and unsafe electrical and telecommunication wirings.

Additionally, the Prime Minister requires ministers, heads of ministry-level agencies, agencies under the Government, and chairpersons of provincial and municipal People's Committees:

  • Continue to rigorously and effectively implement the Directives, Conclusions of the Party Secretariat, Resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government, and Decisions, Directives, Cables, and Conclusions of the Prime Minister on fire prevention and rescue. This must be viewed as a regular and focal task for the agencies and units.

  • Focus on reviewing, amending, and completing the legal framework on fire prevention and fighting for multi-story, multi-apartment houses, and standalone houses combined with production and business (including rental housing). Develop and synchronize fire safety infrastructure planning with the planning of relevant sectors and localities, constructing networks for traffic, water supply, and communication that meet the demands of firefighting and rescue operations.

  • Strengthen the dissemination, education, and communication on fire prevention and rescue laws to the populace, enhancing their responsibility in participating in fire prevention and rescue efforts. Link the national fire prevention movement with community and family cultural building movements, spread exemplary models, and timely reward organizations and individuals with notable achievements in fire prevention and rescue.

  • Increase inspection, monitoring, and supervision efforts to detect and rectify gaps and inadequacies in fire prevention work, preventing and thoroughly eliminating causes and conditions leading to fires in multi-story, multi-apartment houses, and standalone houses combined with production and business.

For detailed content, refer to Directive 19/CT-TTg issued on June 24, 2024.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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