The Politburo of Vietnam to require reform of salary policy to attract teachers

Is it true that the Politburo of Vietnam requests the reform of salary policies to attract teachers? - Thanh Nhan (Hue)

The Politburo of Vietnam to require reform of salary policy to attract teachers

The Politburo of Vietnam to require reform of salary policy to attract teachers (Internet image)

On January 5, 2024, the Central Executive Committee issued Directive 29-CT/TW on education universalization, compulsory education, adult illiteracy eradication, and promoting student streaming in general education in Vietnam.

The Politburo of Vietnam to require reform of salary policy to attract teachers

To improve the quality of education universalization, adult illiteracy eradication, and student streaming in general education, the Politburo requests party committees, party organizations, authorities, the Vietnam Fatherland Front, and socio-political organizations to well perform the following main tasks and solutions:

(1) Focus on leadership, direction, and strengthening advocacy, propaganda, and raising awareness and responsibility among party committees, party organizations, political systems, officials, party members, and the people, especially the heads, leaders, and managers, about the meaning and importance of universal education, compulsory education, adult illiteracy eradication, and student streamlining in general education. , contributing to improving people's knowledge and training human resources for the cause of industrialization and modernization of the country.

Create strong changes, improve implementation efficiency, ensure all citizens of age fulfill their educational obligations, and complete universal education and compulsory education; Focus on equipping newly literate people with essential knowledge and skills; maintain and improve the sustainability of adult literacy results; and focus on eradicating functional illiteracy. Strengthen career counseling and stream students after secondary school in accordance with their abilities, strengths, aspirations, circumstances, and opportunities to continue studying; create conditions for people of working age to create their own jobs or change careers, adapting to social changes; At the same time, develop an open education system to create lifelong learning opportunities and build a learning society, contributing to human resource training, balancing industry structure, developing education associated with socio-economics, and strengthening national defense and security.

Diversify propaganda and advocacy work through practical forms suitable for each audience, especially learners and families; increase the participation of mass media agencies; and promote the advantages of word-of-mouth propaganda; Promote the application of digital technology, social networks, and the Internet. Timely praise and replicate typical learning models that localities do well.

(2) Perfect the policy and legal system, create synchronization and connectivity, and improve the quality of education universalization, compulsory education, adult illiteracy eradication, and the post-secondary student stream to meet set requirements.

Focus on policies that prioritize investment in developing preschool education, general education, continuing education, and vocational education; have a policy to resolve the development of the network of public and private schools and classes; maintain and improve the quality of universal education, compulsory education, and the eradication of illiteracy for adults in difficult areas with unstable results; Support vocational training; create conditions for students graduating from middle school and high school to choose appropriate and convenient educational programs in converting between educational programs, continuing education, lifelong learning, and connecting between vocational education training levels and higher education levels; Promote the application of science, technology, digital transformation, and effective exploitation of open educational resources, contributing to sustainable human resource development and creating equal opportunities for accessing education.

(3) Fundamentally and comprehensively innovate the content, programs, and methods of training and fostering teachers of preschool, high school, and vocational education toward standardization, modernization, and democratization, gradually approaching the standards of advanced countries. Focus on training and improving the quality, ideology, ethics, and pedagogical capacity of teachers. Improve the quality of training facilities and foster teachers and educational administrators in association with human resource planning in the education sector. Focus on investing in the development of a number of key pedagogical universities and forming a number of satellite pedagogical schools as the core for training high-quality teachers and educational administrators. Implement well the connection between pedagogical schools and localities in developing recruitment, training, and fostering plans for teachers at all levels, ensuring sufficient quantity, a balanced structure consistent with practical needs, and quickly overcoming the situation of surplus and shortage of teachers.

Continue to innovate salary, recruitment, employment, remuneration, and attraction policies, ensuring the necessary conditions for teachers to perform their duties well; Have policies to encourage and give incentives to teachers working in areas with extremely difficult socio-economic conditions and specialized educational establishments.

(4) Enhance the leading role and responsibility of state management, ensuring the effective implementation of the Party's guidelines, policies, and laws of the State; increase resources and ensure budget to complete the goals of universal education, compulsory education, illiteracy eradication, and student streaming in general education; Prioritize universal preschool education for kindergarten children from 3 to 5 years old. Strengthen the organization of the state management apparatus for education and training from the central to the grassroots level; promote decentralization and decentralization; Strengthen inspection and supervision, and strictly handle violations.

Continue to improve the network of schools, classes, facilities, and teaching equipment, ensuring conditions for preschool education, general education, continuing education, and vocational education toward standardization, modernization, and socialization associated with the planning of the national education system, national, sectoral, and territorial planning. Pay special attention to developing the school network, school sites, and classrooms; ethnic boarding schools; residential boarding classes; and semi-boarding classes in mountainous and remote areas.

Promote socialization, create conditions for individuals, businesses, and organizations at home and abroad to invest in building schools, classrooms especially non-public preschools and kindergartens in industrial parks, export processing zones, densely populated urban areas, remote areas, and areas with difficult and especially difficult socio-economic conditions.

More details can be found in Directive 29-CT/TW, issued on January 5, 2024.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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