The Politburo of Vietnam directs the implementation of salary policy according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW

The Politburo of Vietnam has just issued Notification No. 50-KL/TW on conclusion on the continued implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017, of the 12th Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Communist Party on "Several issues regarding continuing to innovate, organize the apparatus of the political system in a streamlined, efficient, and effective manner"

The Politburo of Vietnam has just issued Notification No. 50-KL/TW on conclusion on the continued implementation of Resolution No. 18-NQ/TW, dated October 25, 2017, of the 12th Central Executive Committee of the Vietnam Vietnam Communist Party on "Several issues regarding continuing to innovate, organize the apparatus of the political system in a streamlined, efficient, and effective manner"

Achieved many important results, creating positive transformations in innovation and organizational arrangement in Vietnam

Recently, with the determination and efforts of party committees, party organizations, and leaders, the organization and implementation of Resolution 18 has achieved many important results, creating positive transformations in innovation, reorganizing the apparatus, improving the efficiency and effectiveness of the activities of agencies, units, organizations in the political system, associated with the renewal of the Vietnam Communist Party leadership methods, building, and perfecting the socialist rule-of-law state.

Basically, the objectives set for 2021 have been completed, especially reorganizing and consolidating some organizations and restructuring internal organizations, reducing intermediate levels, reducing head units of general departments, departments, divisions, and teams; reviewing, amending, supplementing, completing functions, tasks, powers, organizational structures, working relationships of units and organizations, overcoming many overlapping functional and task contents according to the principle of one agency doing many tasks and one task assigned to one leading and responsible agency; reducing leadership and management staff, especially deputy levels and officials holding honorary positions.

The pilot implementation of several models has clarified the theory and practice of the organizational structure. Streamlining workforce beyond the set targets, saving the state budget.

The results of implementing Resolution 18 have contributed to overcoming some limitations in the effectiveness and efficiency of the organizational structure, completing the comprehensive political system model, and laying the foundation for effectively implementing Resolution 18 until 2030.

The policies on salary, attracting, and valuing virtuous and talented people in Vietnam are slow to be specified

However, the awareness and responsibility of some party committees, party organizations, leadership collectives, and heads of some agencies, units, organizations, and localities are not full and profound, determination to implement is not high, still mechanical, not associated with improving the effectiveness and efficiency of activities; not linked to streamlining the organizational structure with workforce streamlining according to job positions and restructuring, improving the quality of officials and public employees to attract talents.

The functions and tasks of some agencies and organizations are still duplicated, overlapping, and inappropriate, reducing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations.

Some new guidelines, such as policies on salary, attracting, valuing virtuous and talented people to work in the political system, are slow to be specified, a part of competent officials and public employees has moved to the private sector.

Slow in overcoming violations in recruitment and appointment; the responsibilities of collectives and individuals that cause violations have not been clarified.

Not promptly summarizing, evaluating, praising, and rewarding organizations and individuals who perform effectively; nor has strict action been taken against organizations and individuals that do not or improperly implement, failing to achieve the targets of Resolution 18.

The causes of limitations and shortcomings are due to Resolution 18 having many difficult, complex, sensitive contents, directly and comprehensively impacting agencies, organizations, and individuals in the political system; some party committees, party organizations, leadership collectives, and heads are not proactive, still waiting and relying on higher levels.

Some contents of Resolution 18 have not been promptly institutionalized; regular inspection, supervision, urging, correcting limitations in the implementation process of Resolution 18 is lacking.

Amending, supplementing regulations on the number of deputies in agencies and organizations of the political system in Vietnam

To continue effectively implementing Resolution 18 in connection with the XIII Congress Resolution of the Vietnam Communist Party and Resolutions No. 27-NQ/TW, No. 28-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee of the XIII Vietnam Communist Party, the Politburo requires party committees and party organizations to focus on leadership and direct the good implementation of tasks and solutions.

It is to continue raising awareness, responsibility, and determination of party committees, party organizations, officers, party members, officials, and public employees in the political system, especially the heads about implementing Resolution 18, striving to complete the targets set by Resolution 18 in connection with implementing the XIII Congress Resolution of the Vietnam Communist Party and resolutions of the party congresses at all levels.

Strengthening theoretical research on the overall model of the organizational apparatus of the political system suitable to the mechanism "Vietnam Communist Party leaders, State manage, people are the masters" and the actual situation.

Promptly summarize and evaluate the resolutions and guidelines of the Vietnam Communist Party on the organizational apparatus of agencies and organizations in the political system, especially the organizational models of state agencies and local governments, pilot models of urban government, the grassroots political system model; mechanisms to ensure direct democracy, representative democracy; organizational apparatus of the Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, mass associations.

Summarize the implementation of the dedicated advisory and overall assistance model of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and political-social organizations at the provincial and district levels, the pilot model of the party secretary concurrently being the chairman of the People's Committee at district and commune levels; recruitment exams for several leadership and management positions.

Continuing to consolidate the internal organization of agencies, units, and organizations in a streamlined manner; reviewing, supplementing, completing functions, tasks, powers, working relationships of each agency and organization to ensure overcoming the overlapping, duplication, or omission of functions and tasks among agencies and organizations in the political system; resolutely transferring administrative tasks and public services that the State does not necessarily have to perform to enterprises and social organizations.

Amending and supplementing regulations on the number of deputies in agencies and organizations of the political system; regulations on arranging specialized agencies under the people's committee at the provincial and district levels suitable to reality.

Continue strictly implementing the Politburo’s Rules and Conclusions on managing the workforce of the political system; on improving the efficiency of managing the workforce of the political system for the period 2022-2026.

Complete the job position catalog along with the competency framework, job description of the political system to determine the workforce of each agency and unit suitable to functions, tasks, and reality, associated with substantive evaluation, accurate classification of officials and public employees.

Regulating the number of commune-level officials suitable to the scale, population, and socio-economic development requirements in Vietnam

To be specific: the concretizing resolutions of party committees and party organizations; institutionalizing the Vietnam Communist Party guidelines on apparatus organization, workforce, managing officials and public employees, encouraging and protecting dynamic and creative officials for the common good... ensuring prompt, uniform, and consistent connection.

Continue appropriate decentralization and delegation between central and local levels, between higher and lower levels, linking authority with responsibility; clearly define the decentralization and authorization mechanisms.

Complete the power control mechanism towards ensuring all power is controlled, ensuring all activities of agencies, units, organizations, and individuals comply with the principles of democratic centralism, openness, transparency, and efficiency.

Complete the review, arrangement of titles, positions according to management decentralization; build and promulgate a salary table for positions ensuring consistency with the catalog of titles, equivalent leadership positions of the political system from central to grassroots levels, and amend the level of concurrent position allowances.

Reasonably adjusting policies for officials and non-specialized personnel at the commune, village, and residential group levels; regulating the number of commune-level officials suitable to the scale, population, and socio-economic development requirements.

Having appropriate mechanisms and policies for those directly affected during the process of reorganizing the apparatus, streamlining the workforce.

Preparing resources, having an appropriate road map to implement salary policies according to Resolution No. 27/NQ/TW in Vietnam

Preparing resources, having an appropriate road map to implement salary policies according to Resolution No. 27-NQ/TW of the Central Executive Committee of the XII Vietnam Communist Party. Researching and issuing preferential policies to detect, attract, and value talents into the political system.

Based on the actual situation in localities, the standing committees of party committees at the provincial level consider and decide the implementation: The head of the propaganda committee concurrently serves as the director of the district-level political center. The office model of the party committee serves as a general advisory and assistance agency for the provincial party committee.

Strengthening the inspection and supervision work of party committees, inspection of authorities at all levels; supervision of the National Assembly, people’s councils, Vietnam Fatherland Front, political-social organizations, and the people in the reorganization of apparatus, workforce management, officials, and public employees.

Regarding implementation organization, the Conclusion clearly states: Provincial party committees, city party committees, party committees, party personnel committees, Party Central Committees, central agencies, and central public service providers should implement this Conclusion; have plans, clearly define immediate tasks, clear road maps, and assignment of responsibilities.

Vietnam Communist Party committee of the National Assembly, Party personnel committee of the Government of Vietnam should lead and direct the review, amendment, supplementation, and completion of legal documents to implement this Conclusion.

Party personnel committee of the Government of Vietnam should lead and direct the review of pilot implementation and completion of the common urban government model across the country.

The Central Organization Committee advises on promulgating relevant documents; taking the lead, cooperating with relevant agencies to regularly urge, inspect, and supervise the implementation of this Conclusion, periodically reporting to the Politburo./.

According to the Government of Vietnam Electronic Information Portal


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