The members of Vietnamese agencies abroad are supported with 1,350 USD per person per month

What is the support regarding living expenses that the members of Vietnamese agencies abroad receive? – Truc Mai (Hanoi)

The members of Vietnamese agencies abroad are supported with 1,350 USD per person per month

The members of Vietnamese agencies abroad are supported with 1,350 USD per person per month (Internet image)

Who are Members of Vietnamese agencies abroad? 

Members of Vietnamese agencies abroad include officials, public officials, and employees receiving salaries from the state budget; professional officers, military personnel, officials, and workers receiving salaries from the state budget working in the armed forces, authorized to be sent on duty terms to Vietnamese agencies abroad as regulated in the Law on Representative Offices of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad, the Law amending some articles of the Law on Representative Offices of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam abroad, and other related regulations.

(According to Article 3, Clause 2 of Decree 08/2019/ND-CP)

Members of Vietnamese agencies abroad are supported with 1,350 USD per person per month

On May 15, 2024, the Government issued Decree 51/2024/ND-CP amending some articles of Decree 08/2019/ND-CP on certain regimes for members of Vietnamese agencies abroad.

According to Decree 51/2024/ND-CP, the basic living fee applicable to all Vietnamese agencies abroad is 1,350 USD per person per month and will be reviewed for adjustment when the consumer price index in the areas increases by 10% or depending on the socio-economic development conditions of Vietnam.

Under the previous regulations, in Clause 1, Article 5 of Decree 08/2019/ND-CP, the basic living fee applicable to all Vietnamese agencies abroad was 650 USD per person per month and would be reviewed for adjustment when the consumer price index in the areas increased by 10% or depending on the socio-economic development conditions of Vietnam.

Therefore, according to the new regulations, starting from May 15, 2024, the basic living fee has been adjusted to 1,350 USD per person per month.

Basis and principles for determining benefits for members of Vietnamese agencies abroad

- The benefits of living fees, allowances, subsidies, and other regimes are built based on material and spiritual needs, ensuring a normal life and the successful completion of duties by members of Vietnamese agencies abroad and their spouses, in accordance with the economic conditions of the state, the specific nature of foreign affairs work, and the specific circumstances of their working locations.

- The living fee is determined as follows: The living fee is the basic living fee multiplied by the location coefficient multiplied by the living fee index, including:

+ The basic living fee is determined based on ensuring the general needs for food, essential expenses, and some cultural and spiritual needs for members of Vietnamese agencies abroad, in accordance with the economic conditions of the state and the specific nature of foreign affairs work.

+ The location coefficient is determined based on a synthesis of factors such as security-political environment, natural-environmental factors, socio-cultural environment, education conditions, healthcare conditions, geographical distance, cost of living, work intensity, territorial attractiveness, etc., of the working locations of Vietnamese agencies abroad.

+ The living fee index is determined based on the standard job title, position appointed at Vietnamese agencies abroad, and the current salary coefficient in the country for members of Vietnamese agencies abroad. The living fee index for spouses is determined based on the standard job title, position of the husband/wife as a member of Vietnamese agencies abroad.

- Principles for applying the living fee benefit:

+ The living fee benefit is applied uniformly to members of Vietnamese agencies abroad.

+ Individuals holding diplomatic positions or higher positions are entitled to higher living fee indexes.

(According to Article 4 of Decree 08/2019/ND-CP)

Le Nguyen Anh Hao


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