The council for the evaluation of technological advances in agriculture must have 07 members

Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BNV was issued on May 03, 2018 by the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam, which has specified components, methods and orders of the meeting of the council for the evaluation of technological advances in agriculture.

According to the Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BNV of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam, the council comprises 07 members as follows: Chairman, Deputy Chairman, 02 reviewing commissioners, a secretary commissioner, and commissioners; including 01 representative of organizations or regions to which the technological advances are applied.

Notably, authors and co-authors who apply for the technological advances recognition, or individuals who work for/relate to the applicant must not be a part of the council.

Implementing methods are prescribed as follows:

- Council's members shall receive the whole dossiers before the meeting at least 07 working days;

- There must be at least 05 council's members to take part in the meeting, including Chairman or Deputy Chairman, secretary commissioner and at least 01 reviewing commissioner. In case 01 reviewing commissioner shall be absent, he or she must hand in his or her comments in writing in advance;

- Members of the council evaluates the technological advances applied for recognition according to the Form No.04 enclosed with this Circular;

- The council only proposes the recognition for technological advances when at least 05 members of the council rank the evaluation “Pass”;

- When necessary, the council requests the competent agency to establish an inspection team to carry out site inspection;

- Members of the council must be honest, objective, and be responsible for their evaluation results and for the final conclusion of the council.

Moreover, according to Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BNV, orders of the council’s meeting are as follows:

- The secretary commissioner speaks the Decision on establishment of the council and introduces participants;

- The Chairman of the council (or the Deputy Chairman) leads the meeting;

- Reviewing commissioners speak out their comments; other members speak out their comments on the technological advances; then the secretary commissioner speaks out the comments of absent members (if any) for reference;

- The council elects the vote counting board with 03 members among the commissioners, including the head of the vote counting board and 02 members;

- Members of the council evaluates and votes the recognition of the technological advances;

- The vote counting board synthesizes the votes;

- The council discloses the vote counting result and approves the working minutes of the councils.

View more details at Circular No. 04/2018/TT-BNV of the Ministry of Home Affairs of Vietnam, effective from July 01, 2018.

-Thao Uyen-


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