Standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase

What are the standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase? - Xuan Khanh (Hai Duong)

Standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On May 9, 2024, the Central Executive Committee issued Regulation 144-QD/TW on standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase.

Standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase

The Politburo stipulates the standards of revolutionary morals for officials and party members in Vietnam in the new phase as follows:

1. Love the country, respect the people, and be absolutely loyal to the Party and the homeland.

- Devote one's entire life to the purpose and revolutionary ideals of the Party; promote the spirit of patriotism and national pride; be absolutely loyal to the homeland and the revolutionary cause of the Party; wholeheartedly serve the homeland and the people.

- Respect, trust, be close to, and have a close bond with the people. Care for the material and spiritual lives of the people; protect the legitimate and lawful rights and interests of the people; create conditions for the people to exercise their right to self-determination; and rely on the people to build a clean and strong Party and political system. Do everything beneficial for the people and avoid anything harmful to them.

- Prioritize the national and people's interests, the common interests of the Party, the State, and the people above all else; resolutely and persistently fight against any acts that harm the national and people's interests, the interests of the Party, the State, and the people.

(Article 1 of Regulation 144-QD/TW in 2024)

2. Fortitude, innovation, creativity, and integration

- Adhere to and apply and develop the Marxist-Leninist ideology, Ho Chi Minh's thoughts; adhere to the goal of national independence and socialism; adhere to the Party's innovation policy and principles of building the Party. Resolutely and persistently safeguard the ideological foundation of the Party, combat and refute erroneous and hostile viewpoints. Strictly implement the Party's political guidelines, Party Statute, line, policies, and laws of the State.

- Promote the spirit of independence, self-reliance, self-strength, and self-improvement, and contribute to the development of the country, locality, organizations, and units.

- Build a strong political will in the face of all difficulties and challenges. Dare to think, dare to speak, dare to do, dare to take responsibility, dare to innovate, create, and confront difficulties and challenges, acting for the common interests, for the country, and for the people.

- Proactively enhance knowledge, skills; work capacity in an international environment. Actively participate in the comprehensive and extensive international integration process in accordance with the Party's foreign policy, in line with international law, and contribute to building and safeguarding socialist Vietnam, building a community for peace, stability, progress, and development.

(Article 2 of Regulation 144-QD/TW in 2024)

3. Hard work, thrift, integrity, honesty, and selfless dedication

- Dedicate oneself, take responsibility, devote effort, and strive to fulfill assigned tasks excellently, with determination and will, to successfully implement the Party-led renewal cause, contributing to building a prosperous, strong, civilized, and happy country.

- Manage and use public assets for the intended purposes and in accordance with regulations; be economical and efficient; avoid extravagance, wasting time, money, effort, and other material resources of the collective and individuals.

- Be clean, not engage in embezzlement, corruption, or negative actions, and not cause troubles or confusion. Proactively prevent and combat corruption, negative actions, and deterioration in ideology, politics, ethics, lifestyle, individualism, group interests, and internal "self-evolution," "self-transformation."

- Be honest, straightforward, objective, fair, and actively self-criticize and criticize; do not hide shortcomings, or falsehoods; protect what is right and fight against what is wrong.

- Promote self-respect, dignity, without political opportunities, power ambitions, preserve the integrity of officials and party members, do not allow negative influences or temptations. Do not allow family, relatives, and others to exploit positions for personal gain; protect personal and party organizations' reputations and dignity. Implement a resignation culture when lacking capacity and credibility.

(Article 3 of Regulation 144-QD/TW in 2024)

4. Unity, discipline, compassion, responsibility

- Always maintain unity and unity within the Party, organizations, and the people, first and foremost at the grassroots level, agencies, working units, and residential areas; resolutely fight against divisive, factional, parochial, and group interests; and build and rectify the Party and the political system in a truly clean and strong manner.

- Promote the consciousness of organizational discipline, especially in speech. Speak and act in accordance with the Party's guidelines, principles, policies, and the laws of the State; comply with the regulations of agencies and units; and obey the assignments of the Party and organizations.

- Live with love, sincerity, and compassion, treat and help comrades, colleagues, and everyone in the right way, in accordance with the national morality, and progress together.

- Emphasize responsibility in work and activities; be ready to undertake and fulfill assigned tasks well. Resolutely struggle against any behavior of evasion, procrastination, or having a mediocre mindset, working hesitantly, fearing responsibility, and being unwilling to act. Fulfill responsibilities, duties to family, community, and society.

(Article 4 of Regulation 144-QD/TW in 2024)

5. Exemplary, modesty, self-cultivation, lifelong learning

- Set an example in work and activities, actively learn and follow the thoughts, ethics, and style of Ho Chi Minh. The higher the position of cadres and party members, the more they must set an example, the superiors set an example for the subordinates, the party committee sets an example for the party members, and the party members set an example for the masses.

- Actively persuade and encourage family members and relatives to comply with the Party's guidelines, principles, policies, and the laws of the State.

- Be modest, humble, and simple; continuously learn, cultivate, train, and improve qualities, ethics, qualifications, and work capacity. Words go hand in hand with actions, and actions go hand in hand with words; what is said must be done.

(Article 5 of Regulation 144-QD/TW in 2024)

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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