Some Essential Information about Ship Security Personnel

Decree 75/2018/ND-CP issued by the Government of Vietnam on May 15, 2018, stipulates the organization, authority, uniforms, and insignia of the security force onboard ships (provisionally referred to as ship security personnel).

On Ship Security Personnel Standards

The personnel directly responsible for security on the ship, members of the Security Teams, must meet the following standards:

- Be Vietnamese citizens aged 18 or older, have at least a high school education, and be in good health to perform security duties on the ship.- Have undergone security training on the ship and hold a Certificate of Completion of Ship Security Training issued by a competent authority.- Have received training in railway traffic safety organized by the transport business enterprise.

Duties of Ship Security Personnel

- Develop plans, propose, and recommend measures to ensure security and order on the ship to the rail transport business enterprise.

- Implement professional measures to detect, prevent, and stop the following actions:

- Threatening train safety;- Throwing objects from the train;- Damaging train equipment, causing unsanitary conditions on the train;- Disturbing public order on the train;- Threatening the health and lives of passengers and train staff;- Stealing passengers' property, railway staff's property, business enterprise's property, goods, or luggage transported on the train;- Violating regulations on fire and explosion prevention on the train;- Committing other legal violations on the train.

Additionally, the ship security personnel must cooperate with relevant agencies and forces in performing the following tasks:

- Propagating, disseminating, and educating the law to transport hirers and passengers on the train. Guiding transport hirers and train passengers to participate in protecting security and order on the train;- Understanding the security, order, and social safety situation on the railway with running trains;- Detecting, handling bombs, mines, biological, chemical, radiological weapons, and handling dangerous items in luggage, goods, and parcels transported on the train;- Controlling people and passengers boarding and disembarking from the train; handling fire, explosion, terrorism, smuggling, and trade fraud situations on the train; organizing first aid for injured people on the train;- Supporting the Train Manager in exercising the authority to detain people following administrative procedures on the train;- Handling and overcoming natural disaster incidents and railway traffic accidents;- Preventing and handling other violations occurring on the train.

Rights of Ship Security Personnel

Ship security personnel have the following rights:

- Inspect, supervise, and remind transport hirers and train passengers to comply with the law on railway traffic safety and the enterprise's train travel regulations.- Control people boarding and disembarking from the train, inspect goods and luggage transported on the train. If legal violations or train travel regulation violations are detected, immediately notify the Train Manager to consider drafting a report and handling according to the law.- Arrest individuals caught in the act of committing a crime and immediately notify the Train Manager to draft a violation report, handing over to police sources, the Prosecutor's Office, or the People's Committee at the nearest station for processing according to the law. If there are police officers on duty on the train, hand over to the police.- Participate in verifying incidents on the train as requested by the rail transport business enterprise or competent authorities.- Not exploit the title of ship security personnel to commit illegal acts and infringe upon the legitimate interests of organizations or individuals.

Regimen and Policies for Ship Security Personnel

Ship security personnel are entitled to the following benefits and policies:

- Receive training in security operations and technical expertise related to their current responsibilities;- Be equipped with supporting tools as prescribed by law and various types of equipment, uniforms, badges, insignia, emblems, and signs according to this Decree to perform assigned tasks;- During duty, if injured or killed, they may be considered and recognized with benefits equivalent to war invalids or martyrs according to the law on preferential treatment for people with meritorious services to the revolution and other forms of commendation under the law on emulation and commendation.

See more Decree 75/2018/ND-CP effective from July 1, 2018.

-Thao Uyen-


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