Salaries and Allowances of National Defense Workers and Public Employees in 2018 in Vietnam

Salary and allowances, benefits of workers, public employees in Vietnam are stipulated in Decree 19/2017/ND-CP prescribing salary policies for national defense workers and seniority allowance policies for national defense public employees.

1. National Defense Worker Salary Table in Vietnam

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Type A Group 1 Salary Coefficient 3.50 3.85 4.20 4.55 4.90 5.25 5.60 5.95 6.30 6.65
Group 2 Salary Coefficient 3.20 3.55 3.90 4.25 4.60 4.95 5.30 5.65 6.00 6.35
Type B Salary Coefficient 2.90 3.20 3.50 3.80 4.10 4.40 4.70 5.00 5.30 5.60
Type C Salary Coefficient 2.70 2.95 3.20 3.45 3.70 3.95 4.20 4.45 4.70 4.95

- Type A:

+ Group 1: Arranged and assigned according to job positions requiring university-level qualifications for the production, repair, and maintenance of weapons, equipment, and military technical equipment; researchers in industries, occupations, and specialties.

+ Group 2: Arranged and assigned according to job positions requiring college-level practical production, repair, and maintenance of weapons, military equipment; practical college-level workers in industries, occupations, and specialties.

- Type B: Arranged and assigned according to job positions requiring intermediate-level qualifications and corresponding vocational skill levels, including: weapon and military equipment technicians; technicians in industries, occupations, and specialties.

- Type C: Arranged and assigned according to job positions requiring primary-level certificates and corresponding vocational skill levels for tasks at production, repair, and maintenance facilities for weapons, military equipment, ensuring readiness for combat, combat missions, and other assigned tasks.

2. Allowances and Salary Increases in Vietnam

Regarding allowances, the Decree stipulates that defense workers are entitled to various allowances, including seniority allowances above the bracket; regional allowances; special allowances; hazardous and dangerous duty allowances; job responsibility allowances; public service allowances; allowances and subsidies for work in areas with particularly difficult socio-economic conditions.

The Decree clearly states that after 2 years (24 months) of holding the current salary level for those with a salary coefficient of 3.95 or less, and after 3 years (36 months) of holding the current salary level for those with a salary coefficient above 3.95, who consistently complete assigned tasks, do not violate discipline from reprimand level and up, and meet the technical grade standards, shall be considered for a salary level increase.

During the salary level review period, if disciplined with a reprimand, the salary level increase period will be extended by 6 months; if disciplined from the warning level up, the salary level increase period will be extended by 12 months.

In cases of exceptional outstanding achievements in task performance, a salary level increase of up to 12 months ahead of schedule or above the bracket can be given.

For defense workers who complete their duties excellently, have good political and ethical qualities, are capable of taking on higher job positions within the same technical specialty, and possess appropriate qualifications, they shall be considered or tested for a type promotion.

Additionally, the Decree clearly stipulates the principles of salary conversion; seniority allowance policies for defense workers and public employees.

Defense workers and public employees who have served in the standing army for 5 years (60 months) shall be entitled to a seniority allowance equal to 5% of the current salary plus leadership position allowance and seniority allowance above the bracket (if any); from the sixth year onwards, an additional 1% will be calculated each year (12 months).

Seniority allowances are paid monthly along with salaries and are used to calculate and enjoy social insurance, health insurance, unemployment insurance, and labor accident and occupational disease insurance.

Decree 19/2017/ND-CP takes effect from April 15, 2017. The policies stipulated in this Decree are effective from July 1, 2016.

Source: Dan Tri


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