Rural tourism development program in new rural construction in the period of 2021-2025 in Vietnam

What are the contents of the rural tourism development program in new rural construction in the period of 2021-2025 in Vietnam? – Anh Duong (Binh Duong)

Rural tourism development program in new rural construction in the period of 2021-2025 in Vietnam

Decision 922/QD-TTg in 2022 approving the rural tourism development program in new rural construction in the 2021-2025 period issued by the Prime Minister

Chương trình phát triển du lịch nông thôn trong xây dựng nông thôn mới giai đoạn 2021-2025

Rural tourism development program in new rural construction in the period of 2021-2025 in Vietnam (Internet image) 

General objective

Promote rural tourism development in association with bringing into play the potentials and advantages of agriculture, craft villages, culture, and the ecological environment of localities in order to improve the quality of material and spiritual life of rural people, contributing to the restructuring of the rural economy towards multi-value integration, inclusiveness, and sustainable development.

Specific objectives until 2025

- Develop and standardize rural tourism destinations and products; each province and city strives to have at least 01 recognized rural tourist spot associated with the local advantages in agriculture, culture, craft villages, or ecological environment; 50% of rural tourism service establishments are recognized as meeting tourist service standards.

- Promote rural tourism development in association with the digital transformation process; at least 50% of recognized rural tourist spots are digitized and connected on tourism promotion and promotion pages by digital technology.

- Strive for 100% of rural tourist spots to be introduced and promoted; 50% of rural tourist spots use electronic transactions in tourism activities.

- Strive for each new rural district with tourism potential to build at least 01 model of a specific agricultural and rural tourism linkage chain.

- At least 70% of rural tourism establishment owners are trained in tourism management. 80% of rural tourism workers have fostered, trained, and improved professional skills to serve tourists, of which at least 50% are female. Each tourist destination has at least 01 staff member fluent in a foreign language.

- Build a database and digital map of rural tourist attractions nationwide.


(1) Upgrading and investing in the development of rural tourist spots in association with the implementation of new rural construction criteria

- Orient, arrange, and organize the territorial space of tourist areas and rural tourist spots in accordance with tourism development potential and ensure connection with key tourist routes of the region and locality.

- Design and renovating the architectural landscape and environment in the entire space of the tourist destination while preserving the traditional identity and ensuring hygienic, convenient, and ecological conditions Investment savings through the use of local, environmentally friendly materials.

- Renovat, upgrade, and complete synchronous infrastructure (transportation, electricity, and clean water systems; medical and healthcare infrastructure; toilets, points, and parking lots; guidance and indicator systems; digital infrastructure and telecommunications connections; collection and treatment of waste, wastewater, etc.) at tourist destinations in accordance with the needs of tourists, ensuring harmony with the space and landscape associated with regional cultural characteristics.

- Arrange and build points and centers to display, introduce, and sell agricultural products, traditional craft village products, souvenirs, etc. to serve tourists.

- Improve the quality of operations organization and management of destinations (tourist management, accommodation management, tourism business management; ensuring security, order, food safety, environmental protection of rural tourism,...).

- Construct and develop service infrastructure (rest-stops, display points of rural specialties, food, beverage, sanitation, etc.) along the traffic routes associated with tourist attractions at reasonable distances.

(2) Developing rural tourism products with regional and regional characteristics

- Focus on developing tourism products with quality, diversity, and difference, associated with regional identity and characteristics, experiential value, and high added value, according to the orientation of the market and suitable to the needs of each type of visitor (according to international and domestic visitors; by age, etc.). Diversify products, focusing on developing new, highly competitive products, and keeping up with the trends and tastes of tourists.

- Support to upgrade and complete accommodation facilities and service works to ensure service quality and limit impacts on the environment.

- Support conservation, restoration, and development of craft villages, cuisine, traditional costumes, agricultural activities, cultural and sporting performances, etc.; develop artisans; restore the production model of specialty and traditional products to serve tourists through practical experiences; preserve and promote cultural spaces and cultural, historical, and revolutionary relics.

- Develop and digitize information and explanatory documents on cultural and historical relics, eco-tourism spots, traditional craft villages, etc. associated with rural tourism.

(3) Developing quality human resources for rural tourism

- Improve the quality of grassroots officials in the management and development of rural tourism activities.

- Develop documents guiding the development of agricultural and rural tourism in association with new rural construction.

- Enhance professional capacity, professional skills, and soft skills and tourism knowledge for organizations, individuals, and communities participating in rural tourism activities, building a professional, friendly, safe, and civilized tourism culture.

- Professionalize the provision, inspection, and control of quality tourism services and the management of rural tourist attractions.

(4) Communication, promotion, and promotion of rural tourism

- Develop and implement programs to promote and support the development of rural tourism products based on the advantages of agricultural production activities and the cultural and ecological characteristics of the localities; build, develop, and position the rural tourism destination brand.

- Strengthen research and development of tools, methods, and contents of rural tourism promotion and promotion suitable to different types of tourism and visitors; application of information technology and multimedia communication for promotion and promotion of rural tourist attractions and rural tourism products; access to tourism markets; connection with target customers.

- Focus on supporting and strengthening links in tourism business activities between new rural communes and districts with potential for tourism development and travel agencies to offer rural tourism products to domestic and international tourists.

(5) Developing and implementing pilot models of rural tourism development towards green, responsible, and sustainable tourism

Pilot a number of models of rural tourism development according to the following types: community tourism, agricultural tourism, eco-tourism, tourism associated with nature conservation, craft village tourism, smart village tourism, and zero-emission tourism. Prioritize models with unique tourism products for each region and economic efficiency; raise the awareness and responsibility of all actors in the tourism value chain (managers, tour operators, communities, visitors, etc.) in preserving and promoting cultural values and protecting the environment; use local materials and labor; apply digital transformation solutions; mobilize the participation of women, the poor, ethnic minorities, and disadvantaged people to improve people's living standards and incomes.

Duong Chau Thanh


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