Rules for controlling the occupational exposure and public exposure in Vietnam

On November 08, 2012, the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam issued the Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN on controlling and ensuring radiation safety in occupational exposure and public exposure.

Nguyên tắc kiểm soát chiếu xạ nghề nghiệp, chiếu xạ công chúng, Thông tư 19/2012/TT-BKHCN


According to Article 3 of Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, rules for controlling the occupational exposure and public exposure include:

- The organizations and individuals that do radiological works must ensure that the personal radiation doses of radiological workers and the public do not exceed the dose limits prescribed in Annex I enclosed with this Circular.

- The organizations and individuals that do radiological works must take the technical and administrative measures prescribed in this Circular in order to reasonably minimize the personal radiation doses of radiological workers and the public.

According to Article 4 of Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, employing radiological workers is prescribed as follows:

- Do not employ radiological workers under the age of 18. The radiation apprentices, students at the age of 16 -18 using radiation sources during their study may only work within controlled areas or supervised areas as long as they are instructed by experts.

- Do not employ people suffering from illnesses that must stay away from radiation as prescribed by the Ministry of Health.

- The radiological workers of whom the ineligibility for doing radiological works has been certified by medical facilities must be enabled to change the work conditions.

- Pregnant female radiological workers must notify their pregnancy to the person in charge of the radiation safety, and the manager must appoint them to do appropriate jobs if they wish to temporarily change the work conditions.

View more details at the Circular No. 19/2012/TT-BKHCN of the Ministry of Science and Technology of Vietnam, effective from December 23, 2012.

Le Vy


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