Rights of Performers

On February 23, 2018, the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 22/2018/ND-CP detailing certain provisions and measures for the implementation of copyright and related rights under the amended and supplemented Intellectual Property Law 2005. Notably, this Decree includes provisions on the rights of performers.

The rights of performers as prescribed in Decree 22/2018/ND-CP include:

- The right to directly copy a performance fixed in a phonogram or videogram is the exclusive right of the performance owner to perform or authorize others to perform the creation of other copies from that phonogram or videogram.- The right to indirectly copy a performance fixed in a phonogram or videogram is the exclusive right of the performance owner to perform or authorize others to perform the creation of other copies not from that phonogram or videogram, such as copying from broadcast programs, information networks, telecommunications, and other similar forms.- The right to communicate a performance not fixed by any other means to the public is the exclusive right of the performance owner to perform or authorize others to perform the dissemination of an unfixed performance to the public by any technical means other than broadcasting.

See more in Decree 22/2018/ND-CP effective from April 10, 2018.

-Thao Uyen-


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