Rights of officials, public employees, and employees in the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

Rights of officials, public employees, and employees in the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam
Quế Anh

Below are the rights of officials and public employees and employees in the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

Rights of officials, public employees, and employees in the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam (Image from the internet)

On September 26, 2024, the Auditor General issued Decision 1659/QD-KTNN on the Regulation on implementing democracy in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam.

Rights of officials, public employees, and employees in the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

According to Article 3 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 1659/QD-KTNN 2024, the rights of officials, public employees, and employees in implementing democracy at agencies and units in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam are as follows:

- To be recognized, respected, protected, and ensured the implementation of human rights and citizens' rights in politics, civil, economics, culture, and social aspects; to ensure the implementation of rights related to democracy at agencies and units according to the laws on grassroots democracy and this regulation.

- To be provided with information publicity and to request full, accurate, and prompt information according to the law; to propose initiatives, provide opinions, discuss, and decide on democracy implementation matters at agencies and units; to inspect, supervise, make recommendations, reflect, file complaints, denounce, and initiate lawsuits against decisions and actions violating the law on democracy implementation at agencies and units as prescribed by law.

- To receive full and prompt information about legal rights and benefits, social welfare policies, and social benefits according to the law and decisions of the agencies and units.

- To be facilitated to participate in learning, working, laboring, improving, and enhancing the material and spiritual life of themselves, their families, and the community according to the conformity of the Communist Party and state laws; to enjoy the outcomes of innovation, socio-economic development, social welfare policies, and democracy implementation results.

Duties of officials and public employees and employees in implementing democracy at agencies and units in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

The duties of officials and public employees and employees in implementing democracy at agencies and units in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam are stipulated in Article 4 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 1659/QD-KTNN 2024 as follows:

- To comply with the laws on grassroots democracy implementation. To adhere to the regulations and rules of the agencies and units.

- To provide opinions on matters being sought for consultation at the grassroots according to the Law on Grassroots Democracy Implementation, this Regulation, and other related legal provisions.

- To promptly make recommendations, reflect, and denounce to the competent authorities upon detecting any actions violating the laws on grassroots democracy implementation.

- To respect and ensure social order, public safety, state interests, and lawful rights and interests of organizations and individuals.

Measures to ensure the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam

Measures to ensure the implementation of democracy at agencies and units in the operations of the State Audit Office of Vietnam are regulated in Article 5 of the Regulation issued together with Decision 1659/QD-KTNN 2024 as follows:

- Enhancing the professional and operational capacity of individuals assigned to organize the implementation of laws on democracy at agencies and units.

- Strengthening information dissemination, propaganda, legal education on grassroots democracy implementation; raising awareness of officials, public employees, and employees about ensuring democracy at agencies and units.

- Raising the responsibilities of agencies, units, organizations, leadership roles of heads, leaders, managers, party members, officials, public employees, and employees in implementing and ensuring democracy at agencies and units; taking the level of democracy implementation at agencies and units as a basis for evaluating task performance results.

- Timely commendation and rewards for exemplary figures with significant achievements in promoting and organizing the effective implementation of democracy at agencies and units; identifying and strictly handling agencies, units, organizations, and individuals violating the laws on grassroots democracy implementation.

- Supporting and encouraging the application of information technology, science, and engineering, providing technical means, and ensuring other necessary conditions for organizing democracy implementation at agencies and units.


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