Responsibilities of State agencies and electricity units in management of electricity demand in Vietnam

Recently, the Government issued Decree 137/2013/ND-CP detailing implementation of the Electricity Law and the Law on amending the Electricity Law

Responsibilities of State agencies and electricity units in management of electricity demand in Vietnam
Responsibilities of State agencies and electricity units in management of electricity demand in Vietnam (Internet image)

Article 10 of Decree 137/2013/ND-CP stipulates the responsibilities of the Ministry of Industry and Trade, provincial People’s Committees and electricity units in management of electricity demand in Vietnam as follows:

1. The Ministry of Industry and Trade of Vietnam shall:

  • Formulate to submit the Prime Minister for approval of national programs on managing electricity demand and guide, organize implementation;
  • Promulgate technical regulations, guides to perform legislation on managing electricity demand;
  • Guide electricity units in performing and assessing result of implementation of programs, plans in managing the electricity demand;
  • Assume the prime responsibility for, and coordinate with the Ministry of Finance in formulating and promulgating financial mechanism for encouragement, support in implementing national programs on managing electricity demand; perform research and development related to management of electricity demand.

2. The provincial People’s Committees shall:

  • Formulate programs and solutions to perform management of electricity demand, effective electricity use of electricity-using customer groups under their management scope; putting objectives of programs into plans on social-economic development, local production plans and examine, assess the implementation; organize, allocate resources suitably to perform management of electricity demand and effective electricity use;
  • Examine, supervise and report the Ministry of Industry and Trade about result of implementation of programs on managing electricity demand, effective electric use of electricity-using customer groups under their management scope; timely handle cases failing to perform in accordance with law on management of electricity demand and effective electricity use.

3. Electricity units shall:

  • Formulate plan and organize implementation of activities of national programs on managing electricity demand;
  • Report on results of implementation of plans on managing electricity demand in accordance with regulations.

More details can be found in Decree 137/2013/ND-CP which comes into force from December 10, 2013.

Ty Na


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