Regulations on the use of combat gears for carrying out missions in Vietnam

The individual equipped with combat gears for carrying out missions in Vietnam must comply with the regulations as stipulated in the 2024 Law on Management and Use of Weapons, Explosives, and Support Tools.

Regulations  on  the  use  of  support  tools  in  performing  official  duties

Regulations on the use of combat gears for carrying out missions in Vietnam (Image from the Internet)

Regulations on the use of combat gears for carrying out missions in Vietnam

Persons assigned with combat gears for carrying out missions must comply with the regulations in Clause 2, Article 22 of the Law on management and use of weapons, explosives and combat gears 2024 and they are to be used in the following cases:

- In the case of firing military weapons when performing independent duties to ensure security and order as stipulated in Article 23 of the Law on management and use of weapons, explosives and combat gears 2024;

- To prevent and disperse illegal protests, terrorism, riots, public disorder affecting national security, order, and social safety;

- To prevent individuals who are threatening the life or health of officials or others;

- To prevent and disperse disorders, sabotage, non-compliance with the orders of officials, affecting the security and safety of prisons, detention centers, temporary detention rooms, reformatory schools, compulsory education institutions, and mandatory rehabilitation centers;

- Legitimate self-defense in urgent situations as provided by law.

The person assigned to use combat gears shall not be held accountable for damages if their use complies with the above regulations and other relevant legal provisions; in cases where the use of combat gears exceeds the limits of legitimate defense, causing clear damage beyond the requirements of urgent situations, or abusing their use to infringe on human life, health, property, or the lawful rights and interests of agencies, organizations, and individuals, they will be handled according to the law.

Definition of combat gears

According to Clause 11, Article 2 of the Law on management and use of weapons, explosives and combat gears 2024, combat gears are means or trained animals used to perform official duties, protection tasks aimed at limiting, and preventing individuals who engage in law-violating behavior from resisting or escaping; protecting officials performing duties or signaling emergencies, including:

- Electric guns, gas guns, poison guns, stun guns, magnetic guns, laser nets; rope launching guns; plastic bullet guns, explosive bullet guns, rubber bullet guns, tear gas, signal flares, command flares, marking flares, and ammunition used for these types of guns; tear gas, gas, poison, stun chemicals, itching agents; smoke grenades, tear gas grenades, and explosives; electric batons, rubber batons, metal batons; handcuffs, spikes, barbed wire; armor; electric gloves, knife-catching gloves; shields, bulletproof helmets; sonic suppression devices; interrogation chairs for special subjects within the list issued by the Minister of Public Security;

- Trained animals are those trained for national security protection, ensuring public order and safety as per the list issued by the Minister of Public Security;

- Other tools with similar features and effects as the aforementioned combat gears that are not within the list issued by the Minister of Public Security.

Subjects eligible for combat gears for carrying out missions in Vietnam

Article 52 of the Law on management and use of weapons, explosives and combat gears 2024 stipulates the following entities eligible for equipping combat gears including:

- The People's Army;

- Militia and self-defense forces;

- Coast Guard;

- The People's Police;

- Cryptographic forces;

- Investigative agencies of the Supreme People's Procuracy;

- Civil judgment enforcement agencies;

- Rangers, forest protection forces, Fisheries Surveillance, specialized aquatic resources inspection forces;

- Customs at border gates, anti-smuggling specialized forces of Customs, anti-narcotics forces of Customs;

- Inspection teams of the Market Management force;

- Aviation security, specialized transport inspectorate;

- Agency, organization, or enterprise protection forces; security service enterprises;

- Forces participating in maintaining public order and security at the grassroots level;

- Sports clubs, training, and coaching facilities with a license to operate;

- Drug rehabilitation centers;

- Other entities in need of combat gears based on the nature, requirements, and tasks as decided by the Minister of Public Security (Hanoi, Vietnam).

Tran Trong Tin


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