Regulations on the tasks and powers of the Vietnam Journal of Education

The Ministry of Education and Training has just issued Decision 1622/QD-BGDĐT, which regulates the tasks and powers of Vietnam Journal of Education.

Regulations on the tasks and powers of the Vietnam Journal of Education

Regulations on the tasks and powers of the Vietnam Journal of Education (Internet image)

Vietnam Journal of Education

According to Article 1 of Decision 1622/QD-BGDDT, the Vietnam Journal of Education is regulated as follows:

Vietnam Journal of Education is a public non-business unit, serving the state management function of the Ministry of Education and Training; self-financing part of recurrent expenses; having legal status; having its own seal; being allowed to open accounts at treasury and commercial banks; and having its head office in Hanoi.

Vietnam Journal of Education has the function of informing and propagating the guidelines and lines of the party and the policies and laws of the State in the field of education and training.

Vietnam Journal of Education is a forum for research, exchange of theoretical information, professional knowledge, practical experience, publication of scientific and technical information, publication of scientific research, and management results in the fields of science and technology: Educational science, psychology, interdisciplinary science (in the field of social science) and advanced educational models at home and abroad.

Besides, according to the provisions of Article 2 of Decision 1622/QD-BGDDT, the principle of operation of the Journal of Education is to operate under the Press Law, the Law amending and supplementing a number of articles of the Press Law and relevant legal documents.

Vietnam Journal of Education is under the political and ideological direction of the Central Propaganda Department; under the direct leadership and management of the Ministry of Education and Training; the state management of the press by the Ministry of Information and Communications and relevant state management agencies.

Regulations on the tasks and powers of the Vietnam Journal of Education

According to Article 3 of Decision 1622/QD-BGDDT, the tasks and powers of the Vietnam Journal of Education are as follows:

- Submit to the Minister of Education and Training the 5-year and annual operation plans, orientation, policy, and development plans of the Journal in each period to suit the socio-economic development, education and training situation of the country, and organize the implementation after it is approved.

- Organize, edit, publish, and publish periodical, thematic journals, general websites on the Internet, and other publications in accordance with the approved principles, purposes, subjects, functions, and plans and the License to operate the printing press, the License to set up a general website on the Internet issued by the competent authority.

- Organize forums to exchange legal science, theoretical, professional, and practical information in the development and implementation of policies, laws, and activities related to the education sector and the fields of: Educational science, psychology, interdisciplinary science (in the field of social science), and advanced educational models at home and abroad.

- Advise, propagate, and disseminate the Party's guidelines and guidelines, the State's policies and laws, and the direction of the Ministry of Education and Training on the education sector; reflect and guide public opinion on the formulation and implementation of policies, laws, and activities of the education sector through the activities of the Journal.

- Lead or participate in research on scientific topics, schemes, and projects within the assigned scope; in which priority is given to research, analysis, proposal, criticism, policy advice, and research on educational issues associated with practice in service of policy promulgation.

- Research publications associated with policies, advise on removing policy bottlenecks, and participate in policy guidance and implementation activities.

- Organize or coordinate in organizing conferences, seminars, and seminars, contributing to clarifying theoretical and practical issues in formulating and implementing policies and laws on the education sector and other fields: Educational science, psychology, interdisciplinary science (in the field of social science), and advanced educational models at home and abroad.

- Carry out service activities in accordance with the functions, tasks, and powers of the Journal as prescribed by law.

- Implement international cooperation within the scope of functions, tasks, and powers of the Journal according to the provisions of law and decentralization of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Comply with the provisions of the law on thrift practice, prevention, and fighting corruption and negativity related to the activities of the Vietnam Journal of Education; settle complaints, denunciations, recommendations, and reflections related to the activities of the Vietnam Journal of Education.

- Implement the recruitment, use, and management of officers, collaborators, and employees of the Journal according to the provisions of the law and the decentralization of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Implement financial, accounting, and asset management regimes of the Journal in accordance with the law and decentralization of the Ministry of Education and Training.

- Summarize; implement reporting and statistical regimes; manage records and documents of the Journal and submit and store them in accordance with the law.

- Perform other tasks assigned by the Minister or as prescribed by law.

Nguyen Pham Nhut Tan


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