Below is the content of the regulations on the land registry of the cadastral map in Vietnam from January 15, 2025.
Regulations on the land registry of the cadastral map in Vietnam from January 15, 2025 (Image from the Internet)
On November 26, 2024, the Minister of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam issued Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT prescribing technical standards for surveying and mapping out cadastral maps.
Article 21 of Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT provides the guidelines on the land registry of cadastral maps in Vietnam from January 15, 2025, as follows:
(1) The land registry is established to list parcels and land-occupying objects that do not form parcels according to the results of measuring, mapping, and drawing cadastral maps within the administrative unit limits of a commune.
The land registry is an inseparable part of the cadastral map and extracted cadastral map measurement.
(2) The content of the land registry includes the cadastral map sheet number or extracted map fragment number; parcel number, parcel area, land type, including current land use status and the Land Use Right Certificate or decisions on land allocation, land lease, land use purpose change or land use rights documents; name of the land user, name of the land manager, land use object code, code of the entity assigned to manage the land.
(3) The establishment of the land registry is performed as follows:
- The land registry is initially established together with the cadastral mapping, extracted cadastral map measurement based on the editorial results of each map sheet, or extracted map fragment of each scanned area; the land registry is compiled into one or more volumes; the paper form of the land registry is printed along with the cadastral map, extracted cadastral map, in an A3 paper format;
- The initial establishment of the land registry is based on the cadastral map surveying results or extracted cadastral map measurement where cadastral map surveying has not been implemented; during the process of cadastral map extraction, the Land Registry Office or its branches are responsible for updating, supplementing, and correcting the land registry for parcels performing extraction and parcels undergoing land change registration;
- The land registry is stored in paper form, digital form as .doc or .docx and .pdf file formats, or stored in the land database when building a land database;
- The land registry is prepared as per the format specified in Appendix No. 18 attached to Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT.
(4) Modifications to the land registry are executed in synchronization with amendments to the cadastral map as specified in Article 17 of Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT.
The accuracy requirements for cadastral maps are stipulated in Article 8 of Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT as follows:
- The standard positional deviation of the measuring station point (the measurement equipment setup point) compared to the initial point must not exceed 0.1 mm according to the required map scale.
- The positional deviation for representing map corner points, grid-km intersections, and coordinate points (national coordinate points, cadastral points, and survey control points) on digital cadastral maps is defined as zero (no deviation).
For paper cadastral maps, the size deviation represented on the map compared to theoretical values must not exceed 0.2 mm for the internal map frame size and 0.3 mm for the diagonal size within the map frame.
- The positional deviation of any point on the parcel boundary shown on the digital cadastral map compared to the nearest survey control point must not exceed:
+ 5.0 cm for a 1:200 scale cadastral map;
+ 7.0 cm for a 1:500 scale cadastral map;
+ 15 cm for a 1:1,000 scale cadastral map;
+ 30 cm for a 1:2,000 scale cadastral map;
+ 150 cm for a 1:5,000 scale cadastral map;
+ 300 cm for a 1:10,000 scale cadastral map.
- The mutual deviation between two parcel vertices on the digital cadastral map compared to the actual size measured by an electronic total station or measured by a steel tape is specified in Appendix No. 03 attached to Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT.
- The area deviation limit for parcels on the digital cadastral map compared to the area directly determined in the field by an electronic total station is specified in Appendix No. 04 attached to Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT.
- When inspecting the quality of cadastral map products, the number of parcels with deviations defined in Clauses 3, 4, and 5 Article 8 of Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT either equal to or nearing the maximum limits (from 90% to 100%) must not exceed 25% of the total parcels inspected; in all cases, deviations must not be systemic.
- The values for deviations and the maximum limit specified in Clauses 3, 4, and 5 Article 8 of Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT may be reduced for areas with a higher density of parcels compared to the average of the entire surveyed area or when singular parcel surveys and corrections are made; deviation requirements and maximum limits must be clearly shown in the technical design - estimate, task solution.
More details can be found in Circular 26/2024/TT-BTNMT effective from January 15, 2025.
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