Regulations on the database of construction planning in Vietnam

Regulations on the database of construction planning in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

the Government of Vietnam issued Decree 111/2024/ND-CP regulating the information system, National Database on construction , which includes regulations on the database of construction planning in Vietnam

Regulations  on  Construction  Planning  Data

Regulations on the database of construction planning in Vietnam​ (Image from internet)

Database of construction planning in Vietnam

Article 6 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP stipulates the database of construction planning in Vietnam as follows:

1. Information and data in the database of construction planning are classified as follows:

- Inter-district construction planning; district construction planning; functional area planning (general planning, sub-zone planning, and detailed planning); rural planning (commune general planning; detailed rural residential area planning);

- Urban construction planning (general planning, sub-zone planning, and detailed planning);

- Urban technical infrastructure planning for cities under central authority.

2. Information on construction planning is collected and updated in the database of construction planning, including:

- General information: Name of the planning project, type of planning; location, area scale of the planned region; agency or organization developing the plan; agency appraising and approving the plan; year of plan approval;

- Detailed information: Documents and papers related to construction planning and some or all information in these documents, including: Approval decisions for tasks, planning projects from competent authorities; plans, general explanations of the project, urban design (if available), management regulations accompanying the approved planning project (if available); construction planning implementation plan; other related information (if available).

3. General information and some detailed information in the database of construction planning are open data published on the national data portal, the electronic portal of the Ministry of Construction.

4. Key data in the database of construction planning includes information codes stipulated in point a clause 2 Article 8 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP and general information mentioned in point a clause 2 Article 6 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP.

Database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam

Article 7 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP stipulates the database of investment and construction projects and construction works in Vietnam as follows:

1. Information on investment and construction projects is collected and updated in the National Database of Construction Activities, including:

- General information: Project name, project group; construction location; investment decision-maker; investor; investment objectives, scale;

- Detailed information: Documents from competent state agencies, results of administrative procedures as stipulated by construction law and relevant laws (if available), documents related to the construction investment project and some or all information in these documents, including: Documents on investment policy from competent state agencies; construction planning approval decision or other technical specialized planning approval used as a basis for preparing investment and construction projects; results of procedures on fire protection and environmental protection; notification of feasibility study report appraisal results; construction investment project approval decision; information on organizations and individuals participating in surveys and preparing the feasibility study report for investment and construction projects; other related documents (if any).

2. Information on construction works under the construction investment project is collected and updated in the National Database of Construction Activities, including:

- General information: Name of the work, type of work, work class; construction location; investor; main construction investment scale; construction investment project information code;

- Detailed information: Documents from competent state agencies, results of administrative procedures as stipulated by construction law and relevant laws (if available), documents related to the construction work and some or all information in these documents, including: Results of procedures on fire protection and environmental protection; notification of results of the feasibility study report appraisal; notification of results of the detailed design appraisal after basic design; construction permit; notification of results of the completed construction work acceptance inspection; construction investment project approval decision; construction design approval decision; construction commencement notification; final settlement of construction investment capital approval decision; information on organizations and individuals participating in the survey, design, construction of the work; other related documents (if any).

3. Information on construction works not requiring a construction investment project, only requiring a construction permit as stipulated by construction law, is collected and updated in the National Database of Construction Activities, including:

- General information: Name of the construction work; type, class of work; construction location; investor (household head for individual residential houses); main construction investment scale;

- Detailed information: Construction permit, construction commencement notification, and some or all information in these documents; information on organizations, individuals participating in survey, design appraisal (if any), and other related documents (if any).

4. General information and some detailed information in the database of investment and construction projects and construction works are open data published on the national data portal, the electronic portal of the Ministry of Construction.

5. Key data in the database of investment and construction projects and construction works includes information codes stipulated in points b, c, and d clause 2 Article 8 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP and general information mentioned in point a clause 1, point a clause 2 and point a clause 3 Article 7 Decree 111/2024/ND-CP.


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