Regulations on handling of complaints upon the reception of citizens in Vietnam (Internet image)
Article 27 of Decree 75/2012/ND-CP stipulates that the handling of complaints upon the reception of citizens in Vietnam is as follows:
- In case citizens directly come to present complaints that the complaints are under the jurisdiction of the heads of agencies, officials receiving citizens guide citizens to write application for complaints, or make in writing the contents of complaints that the citizens presented and ask the complainants to sign or fingerprint on the documents; record into the complaint monitoring book; report to the heads of the agencies for settlement in accordance with the law provisions; if the complaints are not under the jurisdiction of the heads of the agencies, guide citizens to send complaints to the competent agency;
- In case citizens send written complaints, officials receiving citizens receive and process as prescribed above.
The settlement of denunciations, proposals, reflection upon the reception of citizens in Vietnam is done as follows:
- In case citizens directly come to present their denunciations, proposals, reflection, officials receiving citizens shall record contents of the denunciations, proposals, reflection in the citizens receiving book; for denunciations, request the denunciators to sign or make fingerprint in the records of the denunciation contents; for proposals or reflection, if it deems necessary or at citizens’ requirements, request them to sign. If the denunciations, proposals, reflection are under the jurisdiction of the heads of the agencies, report to the heads of the agencies for settlement in accordance with law provisions; if the denunciations, proposals, reflection are not under the jurisdiction of the heads of the agencies, guide citizens to go to the competent agencies, organizations and individuals for settlement.
- In case citizens directly come to submit the written denunciations, proposals, reflection, officials receiving citizens shall receive and process as prescribed above
Note: When receiving persons who make the complaints and denunciations, proposals, reflection, officials receiving citizens have the rights:
- To require citizens to present identification card, to honestly present the cases, provide for the relevant documents; record in the monitoring book;
- Where many people come together to make complaints, denunciations, proposals reflection, request them to appoint a representative to present.
More details can be found in Decree 75/2012/ND-CP, which comes into force from November 20, 2012.
Le Vy