Regulations on construction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam

Regulations on construction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam
Anh Hào

Below are the latest regulations on construction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam

Regulations  on  construction  works  directly  serving  agricultural  production  on  rice  cultivation  land

Regulations on construction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam (Internet image)

Regulations on construction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam

According to Article 9 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP on cconstruction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land in Vietnam:

(1) The Provincial People's Committee regulates the area, location, and purpose of use of cconstruction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land to ensure compliance with the following conditions:

- Does not affect irrigation works, dike structures, intra-field traffic, or adjacent rice cultivation land areas;

- The structure shall consist of only one floor, no underground floor is allowed;

- The area of rice cultivation land designated for construction must be concentrated, with a minimum area of 50 hectares;

- The construction serves the purposes specified in Clause 6, Article 3 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP.

(2) The cconstruction projects directly supporting agricultural production on rice cultivation land shall comply with the provisions of construction law and other relevant laws.

(3) The area of land used for construction under the regulations in Article 9 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP does not need to undergo a change of land use purpose and shall still be accounted as rice cultivation land.

Principles for crop and livestock structure shift occurring on rice cultivation land in Vietnam

According to Clause 1, Article 6 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP, crop and livestock structure shift occurring on rice cultivation land in Vietnam must adhere to the following principles:

- In compliance with Clause 1, Article 56 of the Crop Production Law 2018, specifically:

+ Aligned with the local land use planning, market demand, water resource conditions, and climate;

+ Form concentrated production areas for each crop in connection with land consolidation, plot exchange, and production chain linkage;

+ Ensure the effective exploitation of existing infrastructure; align with the planning and orientation for improving infrastructure serving local agricultural production;

+ Do not remove the necessary conditions for reverting to rice cultivation.

- Only perform structural transformation on rice cultivation land remaining for conversion to perennial crops;

- Do not perform structural transformation in regions with high productivity, high-quality rice cultivation planning;

- Align with the crop and livestock structural transformation plan on rice cultivation land issued by the competent authority;

- Do not cause pollution, degradation of rice cultivation land; do not damage transportation, irrigation works, dikes, or construction works directly serving rice production;

- Do not affect cultivation on adjacent rice cultivation land areas.

Regulations on criteria for high-productivity, high-quality rice cultivation planning areas in Vietnam

- High-productivity, high-quality rice cultivation planning areas shall meet the following criteria:

+ Located in regions specializing in rice cultivation, aligned with provincial-level or district-level land use planning approved by the competent authority;

+ Equipped with an active irrigation system or planned for active irrigation, drainage, and disaster prevention;

+ Have convenient intra-field transportation infrastructure or planned intra-field transportation serving rice cultivation;

+ Maintain high productivity.

- The Provincial People's Committee approves high-productivity, high-quality rice cultivation planning areas according to the criteria specified in Clause 1, Article 5 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP.

(Article 5 of Decree 112/2024/ND-CP)


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