Recruitment announcement for 117 civil servant positions of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam

Does the Ministry of Finance have any new announcements on civil servant recruitment, and what are the specific targets? - Thanh Chung (HCMC)

Recruitment announcement for 117 civil servant positions of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam

Recruitment announcement for 117 civil servant positions of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam (Internet image)

Notice 663/TB-BTC issued by the Ministry of Finance on October 25, 2022 on the plan for civil servant recruitment exam of the Ministry of Finance in 2022.

1. Recruitment targets for civil servants of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam

According to this Notice, the recruitment target for civil servants of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 is 117 targets, specifically as follows:

- Investment Department: 7 indicators;

- Department of Financial Planning: 10 targets;

- Tax Policy Department: 8 indicators;

- Price Management Department: 5 indicators;

- State Budget Department: 5 indicators;

- Department of Insurance Management and Supervision: 7 indicators;

- Legal Department: 2 targets;

- Department of Public Asset Management: 11 targets;

- Department of Corporate Finance: 8 indicators;

- Ministry Office: 8 indicators;

- Department of Defense and Security Finance, special: 1 target;

- Department of Finance, Banking and Financial Institutions: 5 indicators;

- Department of Accounting and Auditing Supervision Management: 7 indicators;

- Department of Personnel Organization: 3 targets;

- Department of Debt Management and Foreign Finance: 6 indicators;

- Ministry Inspectorate: 5 indicators;

- Department of International Cooperation: 8 indicators;

- Department of Informatics and Financial Statistics: 9 indicators;

- ODA Project Management Board: 2 targets.

2. Conditions and standards for registering for civil servant recruitment of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam

2.1 Conditions and standards for registering for civil servant recruitment in Vietnam

People who meet the following conditions, regardless of ethnicity, gender, social class, belief or religion, can register for civil service recruitment:

- Has one nationality which is Vietnamese nationality;

- 18 years old or older;

- Have application form; have a clear background;

- Have appropriate diplomas and certificates;

- Have good political and moral qualities;

- Healthy enough to perform tasks;

- Other conditions as required by the candidate position.

2.2 Conditions and standards for professional diplomas and foreign language and computer skills in Vietnam

* Regarding professional qualifications

- Specialist position: Have a university diploma (bachelor) or postgraduate degree

in training majors/majors (recorded on diploma or transcript) in accordance with the requirements of each vacancy.

- Clerk position: Have a university (bachelor's) or post-graduate degree in the fields/majors of archives, archives, archives and office administration.

In case you have a university diploma in another major, you must have a certificate of clerical professional training issued by a competent training facility or have a college diploma, intermediate degree or major in administrative clerks, archives - archives, archives.

- Archivist position: Have a university diploma (bachelor's degree) or post-graduate degree in archiving.

In case of graduating from university or higher in another field, you must have a certificate of training in archives profession issued by a competent training facility or have a college or intermediate diploma in archives.

- Administrative officer position: Have a college diploma or higher in the training majors/majors (recorded on the diploma or transcript) in accordance with the requirements of the vacancy position.

Note: The name of the major/major recorded on the diploma or transcript is determined appropriately when there is one of the name phrases according to the major/training required for the vacancy (except foreign language majors/majors).

For example: If the vacancy requires a Law major/major, then the name of the major/major listed on the diploma or transcript with one of the Law phrases is eligible (Economic law, jurisprudence, law, international law management, ...), unless otherwise requested by the unit.

(Details of majors/majors and recruitment targets are according to the Recruitment Target Table attached to this Notice 663/TB-BTC)

* Regarding computer skills and foreign languages

- Computer skills: Have basic information technology skills.

- English level:

+ Specialist position: required to be able to use English as a foreign language at IELTS level 5.5 (equivalent to level 4 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework) for candidates registering for the job; Particularly, candidates apply for specialist positions in 03 units: Department of Debt Management and Foreign Finance, Department of International Cooperation and ODA Project Management Board: required to use English as a foreign language at IELTS 6.5 level (equivalent to level 5 of Vietnam's foreign language competency framework).

+ Archivist position (of the Ministry's Office): requires being able to use English at level 2 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework.

+ Administrative officer position (of the Department of International Cooperation): requires being able to use English at level 1 of the Vietnamese foreign language competency framework.

3. Subjects ineligible to register for civil servant recruitment of the Ministry of Finance in 2022 in Vietnam

The following people are not allowed to register for civil service recruitment:

- Not residing in Vietnam;

- Loss or limited civil act capacity;

- Being prosecuted for criminal liability; are serving or have completed serving a criminal sentence or decision of the Court but have not had their criminal record erased; are being subjected to administrative measures such as being sent to a compulsory drug treatment facility or being sent to a compulsory education facility.

More details can be found in Notice 663/TB-BTC issued on October 25, 2022 of the Ministry of Finance.

Van Trong


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