Qualification standards of Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Management in Vietnam

What are the qualification standards of Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Management in Vietnam? - Binh Minh (Hai Phong)

Qualification standards of Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Management in Vietnam

Qualification standards of Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Management in Vietnam (Internet image) 

On October 20, 2023, the Minister of Construction issued Circular 11/2023/TT-BXD guiding job positions for civil servants specializing in Construction in Vietnam.

1. Qualification standards of Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Management in Vietnam

(1) Training level

- Graduated from university or higher with a major or major appropriate to the field of work.

- Have an advanced diploma in political theory or an advanced degree in political-administrative theory, or have a certificate of political theory level equivalent to advanced political theory from a competent agency.

(2) Training and certification

Have a certificate of training in state management knowledge and skills for civil servants with senior specialist rank or equivalent, or have an advanced degree in political and administrative theory.

(3) Experience (work achievements)

- Have held the rank of main specialist or equivalent for 6 years or more. In cases where the time is equivalent to the rank of main specialist, the period of holding the rank of main specialist is at least 01 year (full 12 months).

- While holding the rank of chief expert or equivalent, he/she presided over or participated in the development, appraisal, and comments on at least 02 legal documents or topics, schemes, projects, or scientific research programs at the state level, ministerial level, department level, or branch level that the agency employing civil servants is assigned to preside over in research and development issued or accepted by a competent authority.

(4) Personal qualities

- Absolute loyalty, trust, and serious compliance with the Party's guidelines and policies, State laws, and agency regulations;

- High sense of responsibility for working with the team, good coordination:

- Honest, straightforward, steadfast, but able to listen:

- Calm, principled, careful, and confidential.

- Ability to unite internally.

- Able withstand pressure at work.

- Focused, creative, independent, and logical thinking.

(5) Other requirements

- Able to advise, develop, implement, inspect, and propose guidelines, policies, resolutions, plans, and solutions for related practical issues within the scope of assigned functions and tasks.

- Ability to concretize and organize effective implementation of the Party's policies and guidelines and the State's legal policies in assigned work areas.

- Able to propose policies, build internal processes, and solve practical problems related to the unit's functions and tasks.

- Understand and apply in-depth and advanced knowledge in the field of operations and implementation and skills in handling situations in the process of guiding, inspecting, supervising, advising, proposing, and performing work according to the job position.

- Understand and apply knowledge about research methods, organize and implement research, and develop documents, topics, and projects in the field of expertise.

- Know how to apply basic and advanced knowledge about the industry and field; have presentation, teaching, and professional guidance skills in the industry and field.

- Proficiently apply knowledge: construction techniques and the issuance of documents to work according to the requirements of the job position.

2. Scope of authority of the Senior Specialist in Construction Investment Activities Management in Vietnam

- Be proactive in your methods of performing assigned work;

- Provide opinions or recommendations on professional matters of the unit.

- Be provided with information to direct the organization's operations within the scope of assigned tasks.

- Be asked to provide information and evaluate the authenticity of the information to serve assigned tasks.

- Participate in meetings inside and outside the agency as assigned by superiors.

(Table No. 7, Appendix II issued with Circular 11/2023/TT-BXD)

More details can be found in Circular 11/2023/TT-BXD taking effect on December 5, 2023.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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