Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024

Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024
Trần Thanh Rin

What are the key tasks of Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024? – Minh Hao (Binh Thuan)

Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024

Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024 (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows:

On February 27, 2024, the Supreme People's Procuracy issued Program 02/CTr-VKSTC on the Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024.

Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024 in Vietnam

Specifically, the Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy for 2024 in Vietnam will have the following key tasks:

(1) The entire sector will continue to focus on effectively implementing the directions, tasks, and solutions assigned in Resolution 74/2022/QH15 dated November 15, 2022, of the National Assembly, ensuring the quality, progress, and requirements set forth.

(2) Tighten discipline and financial regulations and budgets; continue to adhere to the principles of transparency and requirements for thrift practice and waste combat according to the Central's Directives, resolutions of the National Assembly, the Government's guidance, and the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy, including Directive 06/CT-VKSTC dated December 1, 2022, of the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy on strengthening financial management, state assets, and regulations on decentralization of financial management and utilization of state finance and assets.

(3) Strengthen the implementation and disbursement of public investment capital, ensuring the progress and quality of the sector's public works and projects: Investors and heads of units with investment projects should have a high sense of responsibility, promptly implement tasks and solutions to disburse the public investment capital plan for 2024 according to the guidance of the Government, the Prime Minister, and the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy, considering this as one of the key political tasks, focusing on priority management and leadership linked to the responsibility of the project-in-charge, unit head.

(4) Enhance the management, exploitation, and efficient use of state assets; continue to closely coordinate with ministries, sectors, and localities to handle redundant houses and land, ensuring the utilization of all resources to serve the activities of the sector. Continue to participate with ministries, sectors in reviewing and improving the system of regulations on the management and use of state assets.

(5) Continue to review, reorganize, and streamline the organizational apparatus, ensuring compliance with the assigned requirements and tasks; continue to enhance the operational capacity and autonomy of career units within the sector.

(6) Enhance the awareness of leaders, officials, civil servants, and employees in directing, managing, and implementing targets and solutions for saving and anti-waste. Strengthen communication, propaganda, and inspection, examination of saving and anti-waste practices; linking with timely rewards, and disciplinary actions to create a clear transformation in awareness and organizational implementation within agencies and units.

(7) Promote the implementation of digital transformation and the application of information technology in various fields of the sector, closely following Plan 221/KH-VKSTC dated December 15, 2023, of the Supreme People's Procuracy on digital transformation in 2024.

When implementing these key tasks, individuals and relevant organizations must ensure the following requirements:

- Adhering to the requirements, tasks, targets, and solutions stipulated in the Law on thrift practice and waste combat 2013, the Government's Program of thrift practice and waste combat, instructions of ministries and sectors, and the Program of thrift practice and waste combat of the People's Procuracy in the 2021-2025 period; align with the implementation of key tasks according to the Annual Work Directive 2024 of the Chief Procurator of the Supreme People's Procuracy.

- Ensuring comprehensiveness but with emphasis and focus; concentrating on the theme of 2024, which is "Tighten discipline and regulations; effectively manage the state's resources; reform administrative procedures; and overcoming existing limitations and shortcomings identified through supervision, inspection, examination, and auditing results.".

- The targets for thrift practice and waste combat in various fields must be quantified to the maximum extent appropriate to the actual situation, ensuring substance and providing a basis for evaluation, inspection, and monitoring of implementation results as prescribed.

- thrift practice and waste combat must be linked to strengthening inspection, examination, monitoring, promoting administrative reform, and reorganizing the organizational apparatus to be suitable for the functions, tasks, and actual situation of the sector, as well as combating corruption and negative practices.

For more information, please refer to Program 02/CTr-VKSTC, dated February 27, 2024.


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