Procedures for registration and selection; direct assignment of science and technology tasks at the national level in Vietnam

What are the procedures for registration and selection; direct assignment of science and technology tasks at the national level in Vietnam?- Kim Long (Binh Phuoc)

Procedures for registration and selection; direct assignment of science and technology tasks at the national level in Vietnam

Procedures for registration and selection; direct assignment of science and technology tasks at the national level in Vietnam (Internet image) 

On November 6, 2023, the Ministry of Science and Technology issued Decision 2521/QD-BKHCN on the announcement of newly promulgated/abolished administrative procedures in the field of scientific and technological activities within the scope of the management functions of the Ministry of Science and Technology.

Procedures for registration and selection; direct assignment of science and technology tasks at the national level in Vietnam

(1) Implementation sequence:

- Eligible organizations and individuals submit registration dossiers to participate in the selection and assignment of national science and technology tasks directly to the Ministry of Science and Technology.

- The Ministry of Science and Technology opens, checks, and confirms the validity of registration dossiers to participate in selection and direct assignment to perform national science and technology tasks within 07 working days from the end of the application receipt period.

- The Ministry of Science and Technology organizes a meeting of the Advisory Council to select and directly assign national-level science and technology tasks for valid dossiers and appraise the funding to carry out the tasks.

- Based on the conclusions of the Selection Advisory Council, direct assignment, the budget appraisal team, the opinions of independent consultants (if any), and the results reports of functional units, the Ministry of Science and Technology signs a decision approving organizations and individuals to preside over the implementation of national science and technology tasks.

(2) Submission methods:

- Organize application submission directly or by post.

- In case of online application: Organizations and individuals submit applications according to the deadline and submission address as announced on the Electronic Information Portal of the Ministry of Science and Technology or on other mass media and in writing.

(3) Components and quantity of documents:

* Components:

Document components are originals or certified copies according to current regulations, including:

(1) Documents proving the legal status of the host organization:

- Establishment decision or Business registration certificate of the host organization.

- Charter of the host organization or other documents proving legal status.

(2) Application to preside over the implementation of national-level tasks;

(3) Topic and project explanations; project explanation;

(4) Summary of science and technology activities of the organization registered to preside over national science and technology tasks;

(5) The scientific background of the individual registering as a homeroom leader is certified by the human resources management agency;

(6) Scientific background of main members and scientific secretaries performing national science and technology tasks (In case the application is recommended by the Selection Advisory Council for admission, this document must be certified by the human resources management organization and returned within 20 days from the date the Advisory Council approves the Meeting Minutes);

(7) Scientific curriculum vitae of domestic and foreign experts (in case there are experts participating in the implementation);

(8) Summary of scientific and technological activities and written confirmation of the agreement of organizations participating in coordinating the implementation of tasks (in case there are organizations participating in coordinating implementation);

(9) Financial statements according to accounting standards and the current accounting regime for the last 2 years of the organization contributing capital (applicable to tasks requiring counterpart capital outside the state budget);

(10) For tasks that require counterpart capital, there must be a plan to mobilize counterpart capital corresponding to each specific case as follows (applied to tasks requiring counterpart capital outside the state budget):

- In case of using own capital: Documents proving the capital source and commitment to use the capital source to reciprocate the performance of tasks.

- In case of mobilizing capital from individuals/organizations or from owners: commitment documents and documents confirming the capital contribution of individuals/organizations/owners to the host organization are required to carry out the tasks.

- In case of borrowing capital from credit institutions: Commitment to lending capital from credit institutions to perform tasks.

(11) A valid quote for equipment, main materials to be purchased, and services to be hired to perform the task (This document is only submitted in case the application is recommended by the Selection Advisory Council for admission and submitted within 20 days from the date the Advisory Council approved the Meeting Minutes);

(12) Other relevant documents in case the organization or individual registering to participate in the selection or handing over directly finds it necessary to add additional documents to increase the persuasiveness of the dossier or the management unit needs to clarify the information during the selection process, direct delivery;

(13) Other related documents, if the organization registering to participate in the selection or direct delivery finds it necessary to add to increase the persuasiveness of the dossier or the management unit needs to clarify the information during the selection and appraisal process.

* Number of documents: 01 set of documents

(4) Processing time limit:

- At the end of the deadline for receiving selection registration documents and delivering them directly within 07 working days, the Ministry of Science and Technology will open, check, and confirm the validity of the documents.

- Within 15 days from the date of receipt of the completed explanation according to the conclusions of the budget appraisal team, the specialized management unit is responsible for submitting to the Minister of Science and Technology for consideration and signing a Decision approving the presiding organization, task leader, funding, payment method, and task implementation time.

- Within 15 days from the date of signing the Approval Decision, the Ministry of Science and Technology is responsible for publicly announcing the selection results and posting them for at least 60 days on the National Science and Technology Task Management System the electronic information portal of the Ministry of Science and Technology, or other mass media.

More details can be found in Decision 2521/QD-BKHCN, taking effect on November 27, 2023 and replacing Decision 1826/QD-BKHCN of 2017.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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