Procedures for licensing, renewing, supplementing, and restoring aviation security controller qualifications in Vietnam

What are the procedures for licensing, renewing, supplementing, and restoring aviation security controller qualifications in Vietnam? - Minh Hoang (Da Nang)

Procedures for licensing, renewing, supplementing, and restoring aviation security controller qualifications in Vietnam

Procedures for licensing, renewing, supplementing, and restoring aviation security controller qualifications in Vietnam (Internet image) 

On January 25, 2024, the Ministry of Transport issued Decision 76/QD-BGTVT on the announcement of amended, supplemented, and annulled administrative procedures in the field of aviation in Vietnam within the scope of management functions of the Ministry of Transport.

Procedures for licensing, renewing, supplementing, and restoring aviation security controller qualifications in Vietnam

(1) Implementation sequence

* Submitting administrative procedures:

The application dossier for the initial issuance, reissuance, extension, or supplementation of security control personnel identification cards shall be submitted directly or through postal services or electronically to the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam, and the applicant shall be responsible for the truthfulness and accuracy of the information recorded in the dossier.

* Handling administrative procedures:

Within 02 working days from the date of receiving the dossier, if the dossier is incomplete or the requesting agency has not paid the prescribed fee, the Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam shall respond in writing, either directly or via postal service or in an electronic environment, to the incomplete content, request additional complete documents, notify the refusal to issue, and clearly state the reason. due.

The Civil Aviation Authority of Vietnam is responsible for evaluating the dossier, conducting inspections, and issuing, reissuing, extending, supplementing, and restoring identification cards for aviation security control personnel within a maximum period of 20 working days for initial issuance, reissuance of expired licenses , extensions, supplements, and restorations; and a maximum of 7 working days for reissuance of lost or damaged licenses, counted from the date of receiving a complete dossier as prescribed. The licenses and identifications issued, reissued, extended, supplemented, or restored shall be sent directly or through postal services to the enterprise where the personnel are granted, reissued, extended, supplemented, or restored licenses or identifications. In the event of refusing to issue, reissue, extend, supplement, or restore a license or identification, a written response stating the reason must be provided.

(2) Submission methods:

- Submit application directly; or

- Submit via postal system; or

- Submit in an electronic environment.

(3) Components and quantity of documents:

* Ingredient:

- Dossier to apply for a first-time license, including:

+ Original or electronic copy of the written request according to the prescribed form;

+ Present a copy of the original diploma or appropriate professional certificate or submit a certified copy of the appropriate diploma or professional certificate for comparison or submit a certified electronic copy (in case of submitting documents in the electronic environment) of appropriate professional diplomas and certificates;

+ 01 color portrait photograph (for cases submitted directly or through postal services) or a digitized color portrait photograph (for cases submitted electronically) with dimensions of 03 centimeters x 04 centimeters (taken against a white background, with the head and shoulders straight, and the face occupying 70% to 80% of the photograph, not older than 6 months from the date of capture until the date of application submission).

- Dossier to request re-issuance of an expired, lost, or damaged license includes:

+ Original or electronic copy of the written request according to the prescribed form;

+ 01 color portrait photograph (for cases submitted directly or through postal services) or a digitized color portrait photograph (for cases submitted electronically), with dimensions of 03 centimeters x 04 centimeters (taken against a white background, with the head and shoulders straight, and the face occupying 70% to 80% of the photograph, not older than 6 months from the date of capture until the date of application submission).

- Dossier requesting extension, supplementation, or restoration of rating includes:

+ Original or electronic copy of the written request according to the form;

+ Copy or electronic copy of periodic training results in accordance with the rating requested for extension or restoration;

+ A copy presented alongside the original diploma or professional certificate for verification purposes, or submit a certified copy of the appropriate diploma or professional certificate, or submit an electronically certified copy (for cases submitted electronically) of the diploma or professional certificate (for supplementary identification).

* Quantity: 01 set.

(4) Processing time limit:

- Issuing a license for the first time, re-issuing a license whose validity period has expired, extending, supplementing, or restoring the rating: 20 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents, according to regulations.

- Re-issuing lost or damaged license: 07 working days from the date of receipt of complete documents according to regulations.

(5) Subjects carrying out administrative procedures: organizations and individuals.

(6) Agencies handling administrative procedures:

- Authority with decision-making authority: Vietnam Aviation Administration.

- Authorized or decentralized authority or person to implement: None.

- Agency directly implementing administrative procedures: Vietnam Aviation Administration.

- Coordinating agency: None.

(7) Results of implementing administrative procedures: license and rating of aviation security controllers.

(8) Fees and charges:

- Theory test:

+ First license test: 600,000 VND/time.

+ License re-issue test according to term, extension, and additional rating: 400,000 VND/time.

- Practical test: 250,000 VND/time.

More details can be found in Decision 76/QD-BGTVT, taking effect on February 15, 2024.

Ho Quoc Tuan


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