Procedure for Issuance of Legal Aid Collaborators Card

Procedure for Issuance of Legal Aid Collaborators Card
Lê Hải

When providing legal aid, collaborators must carry their collaborator identification card and present it upon request from agencies, organizations, or individuals with authority during the execution of legal aid professional activities.

If you wish to become a legal aid collaborator and agree with the basic contents of the contract to perform legal aid according to the guidance of the Ministry of Justice, please submit 01 set of documents to the local Center where you reside.

The application dossier to become a collaborator includes:

- Application form to become a collaborator according to the template;- Documents proving that the applicant is retired as stipulated;- Personal resume confirmed by the People's Committee of the commune, ward, or commune-level town where the applicant resides, and 02 color portrait photos sized 2 cm x 3 cm.

The submission of the application dossier to become a collaborator shall be carried out as follows:

- If submitting directly at the Center's headquarters, the applicant shall submit the documents specified at point a and point c clause 1 of this Article; present the original or submit a certified copy of the documents proving that the applicant is retired as stipulated;- If sending the application dossier by postal service, the applicant shall send the documents specified at point a and point c clause 1 of this Article, and a certified copy of the documents proving that the applicant is retired as stipulated;- If sending via fax or electronic form, the applicant shall send all documents specified in clause 1 of this Article to the Center.

Within 04 working days from the date of receipt of the dossier, based on the legal aid needs of the people and the actual conditions at the locality, the Director of the Center shall select the dossier and submit it to the Director of the Department of Justice for consideration and issuance of the collaborator card. If the dossier is invalid, it shall be returned to the applicant and notified in writing of the reasons.

Within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the valid dossier submitted by the Director of the Center, the Director of the Department of Justice shall consider and decide on the issuance of the collaborator card according to the template issued by the Ministry of Justice. The Ministry of Justice shall issue the collaborator card template.

In case of refusal, the reason must be clearly notified in writing to the applicant. The rejected person has the right to file a complaint regarding the refusal to issue a collaborator card. The complaint shall be resolved according to the provisions of law on complaints.

For more details, see Decree 144/2017/ND-CP, effective from January 01, 2018.


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