Prime Minister of Vietnam in Hanoi: Proposal to raise statutory pay rate by 20.8% and make more flexible response to petrol and oil situations

At the voter contact conference on the morning of October 13, Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly deputies of Can Tho City answered and clarified many opinions and proposals of voters, including the petrol and oil supply in some localities, the implementation of salary reform, etc.

On the morning of October 13, Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh and National Assembly deputies of Can Tho City contacted voters of Can Tho City before the 4th meeting of the 15th National Assembly, listening to the opinions and recommendations of voters.

Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh and deputies of the National Assembly of Can Tho City answered and clarified many opinions and proposals of voters - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

The Government's Resolution 128 achieved spectacular results

At the conference, voters highly appreciated the in-depth, drastic, synchronous and effective leadership, management, direction and administration of the CPV, the State, the National Assembly, the Government, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, of all levels and branches. As a result, the country continues to achieve comprehensive and important achievements in all fields; do a good job of disease control, protection and care for people's health; the socio-economic situation has changed positively; economic sectors recovered strongly, the macroeconomy was stable, inflation was controlled, and people's lives continued to improve.

Voters also thanked the CPV and State for their attention to the Mekong Delta region in general, Can Tho City in particular with many important and strategic decisions and policies, such as Resolution No. 13 of the Politburo on the Mekong Delta, the Government's action program to implement Resolution 13 of the Politburo, etc The recent conference to announce the planning and investment promotion of the Mekong Delta region, the planning and implementation of the construction of many expressways and large ports in the region...

Venerable Dao Nhu, Vice Chairman of the Governing Council of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam, assessed that in implementing the resolutions of the CPV, the National Assembly, the Government, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam, he has directed and administered the comprehensive implementation of tasks and solutions for socio-economic development - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Venerable Dao Nhu, Vice Chairman of the Governing Council of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam, Head of the Governing Board of the Buddhist Church of Vietnam in Can Tho City, assessed that recently, implementing the resolutions of the CPV, the National Assembly, the Government, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam have directed and administered the comprehensive implementation of tasks, solutions for socio-economic development.

The Venerable Venerable was impressed with the Prime Minister of Vietnam's direct inspection, inspection and urging of national key projects, working with many localities to remove difficulties and obstacles, promote socio-economic development, and decisively handle long-standing problems.

Associate Professor. Dr. Nguyen Minh Phuong, Chairman of the Council of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, expressed that with the view of putting people's lives and health first, first of all, the Government and the Prime Minister of Vietnam have directed the implementation of appropriate and effective solutions in epidemic prevention and control.

Ms. Nguyen Minh Phuong said that when the Government issued Resolution 128 on safe, flexible adaptation and effective control of the epidemic, there were still concerns but they all believed in the Government. Up to now, the implementation of this Resolution has achieved spectacular results, the epidemic has been controlled, creating conditions for socio-economic activities to recover and develop strongly, proving the correctness and necessity of this Resolution.

Associate Professor. Dr. Nguyen Minh Phuong, Chairman of the Council of Can Tho University of Medicine and Pharmacy, affirmed that up to now, the implementation of this Resolution has achieved spectacular results - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

After Resolution 128, the National Assembly and the Government continued to promulgate many mechanisms and policies and the Prime Minister of Vietnam continued to have many meetings and directions to invest and improve medical capacity, solve the problem of medical human resources and the shortage of medicines and supplies, etc medical equipment, continuing to innovate the medical finance mechanism... to serve the protection and care of people's health.

Voters proposed many contents related to the promotion of transport infrastructure, logistics, seaports, highways, airports across the country and in the region; petrol and oil supply; solve the shortage of medicines and medical supplies and some problems in the health sector; prices of input materials for agricultural development, improving farmers' lives, and developing the collective economy; issues related to people's livelihood such as violations of the law related to the form of borrowing money through applications (APP); wage reform for cadres, civil servants and public employees; teaching Khmer to students...

The Prime Minister of Vietnam spent a lot of time announcing the situation and results of socio-economic development in 9 months and expected for the whole year of 2022 - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

It is expected to reach and exceed 14/15 targets set out in the plan

Speaking at the conference, Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh thanked the enthusiastic opinions, responsibility, construction, and adherence to the practical situation, demonstrating the close connection between National Assembly deputies and voters.

Sharing a number of contents and issues that are of interest to comrades, compatriots and voters, the Prime Minister of Vietnam spent a lot of time announcing the situation and results of socio-economic development in 9 months and expected for the whole year of 2022.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam said that from the beginning of 2022 until now, the world situation has many rapid, complicated and unpredictable changes, many new problems have arisen unprecedentedly, more difficult than forecasted at the end of 2021 when developing the 2022 socio-economic development plan.

Domestically, inflationary pressure is increasing; prices of gasoline, oil, raw materials, materials, and input factors fluctuate sharply, greatly affecting many industries and fields; the export market is shrinking; many outstanding problems arise as a result, capital shortage, prolonged; Meanwhile, epidemics, natural disasters, storms and floods are complicated, causing a lot of damage to production and business and people's lives.

In that context, implementing the Resolutions and Conclusions of the CPV, the National Assembly, the Government, and the Prime Minister of Vietnam have led and directed all levels and branches to drastically, synchronously and effectively implement the tasks and solutions set out in all fields.

"We avoid both tendencies of bewilderment, fluctuation and subjectivity, negligence, loss of vigilance, always maintaining bravery, calmness, confidence in all situations, finding solutions suitable to the conditions and circumstances of the country, the scale and resilience of the economy and the world situation. create consensus and unity in society and people, under the leadership of the CPV and the management of the State to organize effective implementation," said the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

The Government and the Prime Minister of Vietnam organized many conferences, meetings and work; directly inspect, inspect, urge, and remove difficulties and obstacles at grassroots and localities; focus on reviewing and perfecting mechanisms, policies and laws, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses. In 9 months, the Government organized 8 regular meetings and 7 thematic meetings, issued 70 decrees and 20 normative decisions of the Prime Minister of Vietnam.

Focus on effectively implementing the COVID-19 prevention and control program, especially the largest vaccination campaign ever. Vietnam is 1 of the 5 countries with the highest vaccine coverage rate in the world. As of September 29, 2022, Vietnam has administered over 260 million vaccine shots. The COVID-19 epidemic has been controlled nationwide since the end of the first quarter of 2022.

Along with that, efforts to effectively perform regular tasks are getting heavier and heavier when the economic scale is larger, the population is increasing, and the people's requirements are higher; focus on handling long-standing problems (including projects in the Mekong Delta region such as Long Phu I Power Plant, O Mon Thermal Power Center); solve urgent problems that arise, promptly respond to fluctuations in the world and domestic situation.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam emphasized: Over the past time, carrying out the task of socio-economic development, we have avoided both tendencies of bewilderment, fluctuation and subjectivity, negligence, lack of vigilance, always maintaining bravery, calmness, confidence in all situations, finding solutions suitable to conditions, etc the country's situation - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Thanks to the drastic participation of the whole political system under the leadership of the CPV, which is directly and regularly the Politburo, the Secretariat, headed by General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong; the companionship, support and close coordination of the National Assembly and agencies in the political system; the drastic direction and administration of the Government, all levels, sectors and localities; the support and active participation of the people and the business community; with the help of international friends, it is expected that the whole year of 2022 will reach and exceed 14/15 targets set out in the plan.

Speaking at the closing of the 6th Central Committee Meeting, the 13th meeting, General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong stated: We have successfully and comprehensively implemented the goals and tasks of both focusing on disease prevention, control and control, and promoting socio-economic recovery and development. building an independent and self-reliant economy associated with proactive and active international integration, extensive and effective.

The socio-economic recovery and development program and 3 national target programs have been actively implemented. Strategic breakthroughs in infrastructure are focused; promptly remove difficulties and obstacles, create fundamental changes in the implementation of construction and put into use a number of important infrastructure works.

Many long-standing problems, especially the handling of weak commercial banks, enterprises and projects that are behind schedule and inefficient, have been and are continuing to be dismantled and handled, achieving positive results. The country's public debt, government debt, and foreign debt are within the prescribed limits. Many prestigious international organizations highly appreciate the results and prospects of Vietnam's economy.

The development and completion of laws are given special attention and direction; proactively and actively formulate and submit bills and ordinances, ensuring progress and quality. The planning development is focused on implementation. The review, arrangement and streamlining of the organizational apparatus and streamlining of payrolls are focused, in which 17 general departments and organizations equivalent to general departments, 8 departments and 145 departments/departments under general departments and ministries are reduced. Administrative procedure reform has been promoted; focus on removing difficulties and obstacles for production and business; unleashing, mobilizing and effectively using resources for development. Promote digital transformation in state management and the whole society, reduce time and costs and improve the quality of service for people and businesses.

Cultural and social development is paid more attention and attention; focus on researching, thoroughly understanding and implementing the conclusions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Cultural Conference. The awareness of the role of culture is becoming more and more comprehensive and deep. Many traditional cultural values and cultural heritage of the nation have been inherited, preserved and developed; cultural products are increasingly diverse and rich. Cultural and sports institutions are interested in investing in densely populated areas, industrial parks and urban areas.

Social security has been implemented extensively, practically and timely. Over the past 2 years, more than VND 86 trillion has been implemented to support policies for over 55 million people and employees and about 730 thousand employers facing difficulties due to the COVID-19 pandemic.


View of the voter contact conference of the National Assembly delegation of Can Tho city - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Activities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of War Invalids - Martyrs Day were organized thoughtfully, solemnly and meaningfully. People's lives are constantly improving, the average income of employees in the third quarter of 2022 reached 6.7 million VND/month (an increase of 1.6 million VND over the same period in 2021).

Vocational training is paid attention to, meeting the needs of the labor market better and better. Research and application of science and technology are focused; the quality of scientific and technological human resources has been improved. The innovative startup ecosystem, the trend of developing the digital economy, digital society, digital citizens, green economy, and circular economy has been formed and developed strongly.

Land and natural resources are managed and used effectively. Environmental protection and international commitments on climate change are actively implemented, including plans for green energy transition and green growth. Natural disaster prevention and control is closely directed by all levels, branches, localities, and functional agencies; have proactively responded and overcome the consequences, contributing to minimizing damage caused by the recent very strong typhoon No. 4.

National defense and security have been strengthened; independence and sovereignty are maintained; political security, social order and safety are ensured. The work of examination, inspection, reception of citizens, settlement of complaints and denunciations, especially the prevention and combat of corruption and negativity, continued to be promoted and achieved many results, contributing to strengthening the trust of the whole society.

Foreign affairs and international integration are focused on directing flexibly, practically, effectively, in accordance with the development of the situation, contributing to maintaining a peaceful and stable environment for national development.

There are still many limitations, difficulties and challenges to be solved

In addition, the situation still has shortcomings, limitations, difficulties and challenges, such as the macroeconomic stability is not very solid; inflationary pressure is still great. The implementation of the task of planning, disbursement of public investment capital, 3 national target programs, vaccination has reached the progress, goals, requirements and wishes of the people.

Production and business activities in many industries and fields are still difficult; there is still a local labor shortage in some areas. Attracting FDI for new investment and technology transfer faces many difficulties; the link between the FDI sector and the domestic economy is still limited.

Cultural development is not commensurate with economic development. The work of ensuring social security, sustainable poverty reduction, and narrowing the development gap between regions still has many challenges. The life of a part of the people is still difficult, especially in ethnic minority areas, deep-lying areas, remote areas, borders and islands.

The overcoming of the shortage of medicines, biologicals and medical supplies has not been satisfactory. There is a situation of cadres, civil servants and public employees quitting or changing jobs, especially in the fields of health and education. The problem of petrol and oil supply in some places also makes people frustrated.

Administrative discipline and discipline are sometimes not strict in some places, and there is also the phenomenon of cadres and civil servants violating regulations and being disciplined. There have been a number of incidents of social evils, domestic violence, abuse of women and children, labor insecurity, fire and explosion, and cyber fraud, causing serious consequences. The treatment of environmental pollution is still inadequate, especially wastewater and waste. The work of ensuring information safety, cyber security, fighting, crime prevention and combat still has many difficulties; the situation of national defense, security, social order and safety in some areas is still complicated.

According to the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the above-mentioned shortcomings and limitations have objective causes, but subjective causes are the main. In particular, the work of analyzing, forecasting, advising on the formulation and implementation of policies and solutions to respond to fluctuations in the international and domestic situation is present, sometimes and in some places still passive. A part of capable cadres and civil servants has not yet met the requirements and has not fully promoted the responsibilities of the heads of a number of agencies and units. The coordination between all levels, branches and localities is sometimes not tight and effective. The inspection, examination and supervision in some fields have not been drastic and timely. The decentralization and decentralization go hand in hand with the appropriate allocation of resources, improving the capacity of enforcement officials and promoting inspection and supervision should be further strengthened. The monitoring and grasp of the situation in some cases is still not close, the direction is not drastic, and the plan to respond promptly and effectively to unexpected and unexpected situations has not been proactive.


The Prime Minister of Vietnam emphasized some lessons learned in socio-economic development over the past time - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

The Prime Minister of Vietnam emphasized a number of lessons learned such as following the CPV's guidelines and policies, the State's legal policies; further promote the strength of the great unity of the whole nation, the spirit of self-reliance and self-reliance; closely monitor and proactively grasp developments in the international and domestic situation; improve the capacity to analyze, forecast, and proactively respond flexibly and effectively to arising problems. Mobilizing and effectively using all resources, in which internal resources are strategic, basic, long-term, determined, effectively combined with external resources are important, breakthrough and regular. Paying special attention to ensuring socio-political stability, strengthening the prevention and combat of corruption and negativity, economic development in harmony with cultural and social development, environmental protection, consolidation of national defense and security, strengthening foreign relations, international integration, promoting information and communication, etc creating social consensus, creating a foundation for rapid and sustainable development.

Regarding key tasks and solutions in the last months of 2022, the Government and the Prime Minister of Vietnam requested all levels, sectors and localities to continue to identify difficulties and challenges with more opportunities and advantages; synchronously and effectively implement the tasks and solutions set out in all fields; promote the achieved results, overcome difficulties, limitations, and overcome new challenges; protect the legitimate and legitimate rights and interests of people and businesses, and strictly handle violations.

In particular, focusing on the prevention and control of the COVID-19 epidemic, further promoting vaccination to ensure safety, science, effectiveness and urgently overcome the shortage of medicines, medical equipment and supplies; promote the planning and disbursement of public investment capital, 3 national target programs, the socio-economic recovery and development program. Focus on maintaining macroeconomic stability, controlling inflation...

The Prime Minister of Vietnam affirmed that in the general successes of the whole country over the past time, there has been a positive contribution of Can Tho City with the great efforts of the CPV Committee, the government and the people of the city. GRDP in 9 months grew by more than 36%, ranking 1st in the Mekong Delta region, 3rd in the country; over the same period, the industrial production development index increased by nearly 31%; total retail sales of goods and services increased by nearly 77%; aquaculture production increased by 44%; the total number of tourists increased by 111%...

The Prime Minister of Vietnam suggested that the CPV Committee, the government, the army and the people of the city must be more determined, and after making efforts, they must make more efforts, work together, and the whole country to successfully implement the set socio-economic development goals.


The Prime Minister of Vietnam reported to voters on the tasks and solutions being implemented to thoroughly solve the shortage of medicines and medical supplies as soon as possible, which is an urgent issue - Photo: VGP/Nhat Bac

Proposal to increase the statutory pay rate from July 1, 2023

At the conference, leaders of the City People's Committee and National Assembly deputies initially explained and absorbed the opinions and recommendations of compatriots and voters. The Prime Minister of Vietnam further clarified a number of specific contents mentioned by voters.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam said that the implementation of wage reform was carried out in accordance with Resolution 27 of the Central Committee, but due to the impact of many factors, especially the impact of the COVID-19 epidemic, it has not been implemented. However, over the past time, we have adjusted salaries for employees and raised pensions and subsidies for policy beneficiaries.

On October 9, 2022, at the 6th Central Committee Meeting, the CPV Central Committee assigned the Politburo to direct the Government's CPV Personnel Committee to complete the Report on the salary adjustment plan to be submitted to the 15th National Assembly for consideration and decision.

Currently, agencies are proposing to appeal the sentence in the direction of raising the statutory pay rate of cadres, civil servants and public employees in the public sector to 1.8 million VND (currently 1.49 million VND, an increase of about 20.8%), the expected implementation time is from July 1, 2023. At the same time, raise the allowance level for a number of industries and fields accordingly.

Regarding voters' opinions on strategic infrastructure projects, including those that have been implemented for many years, the Prime Minister of Vietnam said that the Government has been very drastic, strengthening urging, inspecting projects, handling problems, such as issuing 2 resolutions to handle the problem of mining soil and rock materials for highways... Long Thanh Airport has been started and the construction is being actively promoted. Expressway section Cao Bo - Mai Son, La Son - Tuy Loan, Ha Long - Van Don, Van Don - Mong Cai, Trung Luong - My Thuan, Thu Thiem 2 bridge... have been put into use. It is expected that this year it will complete 180 km, open 181 km of expressway, and actively prepare to start phase 2 projects of the North-South expressway.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam agreed with the voters' view that the longer the project lasts, the more capital will be wasted and wasted, and at the same time asked localities to participate in drastically to implement projects, including doing a good job of site clearance.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam also reported to voters on the tasks and solutions being implemented to thoroughly solve the shortage of medicines and medical supplies that are causing urgency among the people as soon as possible. Relevant entities from the central to local levels must work together to remove difficulties and obstacles; at the same time, review and clarify the responsibilities of the parties involved... In particular, the Prime Minister of Vietnam emphasized the requirement to decentralize bidding in the spirit of where and which level does the best and most convenient, the task is assigned, in the spirit of both complying with regulations, thrift, and ensuring the quality of medicines, equipment, medical biologicals, etc.; leaders of localities drastically participated; fight corruption and negativity in this work.

Regarding petrol and oil, the Prime Minister of Vietnam assessed that the supply of petrol and oil is a pressing problem for people in some places, which needs to be quickly overcome. The Ministry of Industry and Trade and relevant agencies have entered the process and worked with businesses. According to the report, in localities such as Ho Chi Minh City, An Giang, Binh Phuoc, Dak Lak..., so far the basic situation has been resolved.

According to the Prime Minister of Vietnam, the above situation has objective causes such as supply disruptions, world gasoline prices rise and fall rapidly, difficult to forecast, there are businesses that import petrol and oil at high prices but then the price drops low, so they may lose money, this needs to be shared. However, subjective causes are mainly. The Prime Minister of Vietnam gave an example, we already have mechanisms and policies such as the price stabilization fund, but the application and coordination between agencies must be more timely and effective. In fact, some coordinating agencies have not been timely and effective, and need to be reviewed.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam said that he has asked agencies to carefully review mechanisms, policies and regulations to amend and supplement them in accordance with the situation, in which, study to shorten the price adjustment cycle, adjust regulations related to the cost of constituting gasoline prices, etc.; the administration and policy response need to be more flexible and faster, and ministries and sectors should coordinate more closely and effectively. Some businesses that do not comply with regulations must be handled. The customs clearance and circulation of goods need to be urgent, smooth and effective. Agencies support and encourage to create conditions for petrol and oil enterprises to operate in accordance with the law. Information is objective, appropriate, accurate, does not confuse and worry people.

The Prime Minister of Vietnam also gave an overview of the tasks and solutions to remove 2 development bottlenecks with the Mekong Delta, namely transport infrastructure and human resources, including attracting human resources from other places and improving people's knowledge, training human resources, etc fostering talents in the region.

After the conference, the Prime Minister of Vietnam suggested that all levels and sectors continue to synthesize, explain, absorb and resolve the proposals and recommendations of voters. Problems under the jurisdiction of any level or branch must be solved at that branch level and must be solved thoroughly. For recommendations and proposals beyond its competence, the People's Committee of Can Tho City summarizes and proposes the Government, the Prime Minister of Vietnam, ministries and branches to settle according to regulations. For issues under the jurisdiction of the National Assembly, it is proposed that the National Assembly Delegation of Can Tho City summarize and report to the National Assembly for consideration and decision.

Regarding the voters' petition related to teaching Khmer to students, Prime Minister of Vietnam Pham Minh Chinh stated that our CPV and State always respect the right of each ethnic group to have their own written language, the right to equality and freedom to develop the language of each ethnic group.

Right from the first document of the CPV at the First Congress (March 1935), it was affirmed: "Ethnic groups are allowed to use their mother tongue in political, economic and cultural activities". The above viewpoint has been throughout the revolutionary periods, and continues to be affirmed through the guidelines and policies of the CPV and State on the preservation and promotion of the study and teaching of the spoken and written languages of Vietnam's ethnic minorities, including Khmer. The 1992 Constitution of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam, in Article 5, stipulates: "All ethnic groups have the right to use their voices and writings, preserve their national identity and promote their good customs, customs, traditions and culture".

Decree No. 82/2010/ND-CP stipulates the teaching and learning of ethnic minority languages and scripts in general education institutions and continuing education centers. The Law on Education 2019 stipulates that "The State encourages and creates conditions for ethnic minorities to learn the language and script of their ethnic group in accordance with the Government's regulations" (Clause 2, Article 11). On January 27, 2022, the Prime Minister of Vietnam issued Decision No. 142/QD-TTg approving the Program "Improving the quality of teaching ethnic minority languages in the general education program for the period of 2021 - 2030".

Ethnic minority languages are assessed and the assessment results are recorded in school reports as specified in Circular No. 27/2020/TT-BGDDT and Circular No. 22/2021/TT-BGDDT. Thus, ethnic minority languages, including Khmer, are identified as elective subjects like some other subjects. When selected, teaching and learning have been clearly stipulated and evaluated in school reports like other foreign languages.

Ha Van

According to the Government Portal



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