Political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023-2024 school year

What are the guidance on political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023-2024 school year? – Kieu My (Dong Thap)

Political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023-2024 school year

Political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023-2024 school year (Internet image)

Political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023-2024 school year in Vietnam

The content is guided by Official Dispatch 4567/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV of 2023, which guides the implementation of political education and student affairs tasks for the 2023–2024 school year issued by the Ministry of Education and Training.

The tasks of political, ideological, and cultural education for the 2023–2024 school year are guided as follows:

1. Innovate and improve the quality of teaching and learning in political theory, ethics, civic education, economics, and law; contents on national history education, revolutionary history, and culture in schools; strengthen the direction and management of political and ideological education in educational establishments with foreign elements, private schools, and training programs affiliated with foreign countries.

2. Organize learning activities and follow Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style; Thoroughly promote, propagate, and guide teachers, educational administrators, and students to actively participate in the contest "Youth learning and following Ho Chi Minh's ideology, ethics, and style".

3. Carry out the work of developing Party members in schools and fostering Party awareness among students in the spirit of Directive 34-CT/TW dated May 30, 1998 of the Politburo (Term VIII) on "Strengthening political and ideological work; strengthening party organizations, mass organizations, and developing party members in schools"; focus on discovering and fostering outstanding and outstanding students through patriotic emulation movements, learning and training activities, Youth Unions and Associations to create a source of admission to the Party; deploy the construction and replication of work models to create and develop party members in schools.

4. Monitor and grasp the political and ideological situation among students; effectively organize dialogue activities between school leaders, teachers, and educational administrators with students to grasp the thoughts and aspirations and promptly handle difficult and pressing issues among students; proactively detect and coordinate with the police, local authorities, and relevant agencies and organizations to handle complex political and ideological issues related to students; do not let students be lured or enticed to join associations, groups, or religious organizations that operate illegally or engage in activities that sabotage the Party and State, disrupt security, social order, and safety;

5. Organize and implement the solution tasks given in the Project "Building a culture of behavior in schools" (Decision 1299/QD-TTg dated October 3, 2018 of the Prime Minister) and Directive 08/CT-TTg dated June 1, 2022 of the Prime Minister on strengthening the implementation of school culture building work; Pay attention to investing in, supporting, and regularly organizing cultural and artistic activities in schools; Encourage students to participate in cultural, artistic, and mass cultural activities; improve the effectiveness of organizing competitions and cultural festivals for students; Support and invest in developing a library activities network at training establishments; strengthen the organization of reading rooms, parent bookcases, classroom bookcases, etc.

In addition, it also guides moral education, lifestyle, and life skills; student work.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 4567/BGDDT-GDCTHSSV 2023.

Duong Chau Thanh


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