Policies for developing culture, sports and tourism in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Recently, the Government issued Decree 05/2011/ND-CP on ethnic minorities work in Vietnam.

Policies for developing culture, sports and tourism in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam

Policies for developing culture, sports and tourism in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam (Internet image)

Decree 05/2011/ND-CP stipulates policies for developing culture, sports and tourism in ethnic minority areas in Vietnam as follows:

1. Cultural conservation and development policy

- To support the collection, study. protection, conservation and promotion of fine traditional cultural values of ethnic minority groups in the ethnic community of Vietnam.

- To support the conservation and development of the scripts of ethnic minority groups. Ethnic minority groups shall conserve their fine traditional cultures, languages and scripts under law.

- To elaborate and implement a national target program on conservation and promotion of traditional cultural values; to support the investment in and protection and conservation of state-ranked historical and cultural relics.

- To give incentives for ethnic minority groups to enjoy cultural benefits; to support the formation and effective operation and use of grassroots cultural institutions in ethnic minority areas.

- To conserve and promote fine traditional festivals of ethnic minority groups, to regularly organize region-based or ethnic minority-based culture-sports events in ethnic minority areas.

2. Policy on physical training and sports development in ethnic minority areas

- To conserve and develop traditional physical training and sports of ethnic minority groups.

- To support physical training and sports activities and invest in building stadiums, sports halls and physical training and sports centers in ethnic minority areas.

3. Policy on tourism development in ethnic minority areas

To support infrastructure construction for tourism associated with environmental and ecological protection; to support the promotion and diversification of tourism forms and products, to reasonably tap potential in landscapes and scenic places for tourism development.

More details can be found in Decree 05/2011/ND-CP, which comes into force from March 4, 2011.

Thuy Tram


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