Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combat of Corruption and Negative Phenomena by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam until 2030

Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combat of Corruption and Negative Phenomena by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam until 2030
Dương Châu Thanh

Plan 2827/KH-BVHTTDL, promulgated on July 08, 2024, on implementing the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combat of Corruption and Negative Phenomena by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam until 2030

Tasks and Solutions of the Implementation Plan for the National Strategy Against Corruption and Negativity until 2030

Issuance of the Plan for the Implementation of the National Strategy for the Prevention and Combat of Corruption and Negative Phenomena by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam until 2030 (Image from the internet)

Tasks and Solutions of the Implementation Plan for the National Strategy Against Corruption and Negative Phenomena until 2030 in Vietnam

  1. Perfect policies and laws in areas of state management of the Ministry and the Anti-Corruption and Negative Phenomena Committees

- Proactively review, amend, supplement within competence or propose competent authorities to amend, supplement, promulgate legal regulations on the management of culture, family, sports and tourism, focusing on activities directly related to the people and businesses.

- Actively participate in providing opinions on the development of policies and laws in various fields upon the request for coordination from ministries and central authorities.

- Enhance transparency, accountability, and public disclosure during the issuance, amendment, supplementation, revocation, suspension, extension, abolition, and implementation of policies, laws, and administrative decisions.

- Thoroughly remedy limitations and inadequacies in administrative mechanisms, policies, and laws identified through inspections, audits, and legal proceedings within the state management scope of the Ministry; clearly stipulate the responsibilities of agencies, units, enterprises, and heads in organizing and implementing appropriate functions and tasks of relevant agencies, units under the Ministry.

- Review, specify regulations on the accountability of heads of agencies, units, and enterprises under the Ministry in organizing and implementing anti-corruption and negative phenomena measures at the agencies, units, and enterprises under their management and responsibility.

  1. Consolidate organizational structure, perfect public service policies, build a team of professional officials and public employees with integrity, and improve law enforcement efficiency

- Review, streamline the organizational structure of agencies, units under the Ministry; promote decentralization, define clear, scientific functions, tasks, and powers of the agencies, units; on a functional basis, agencies, units specifically assign departments, offices, affiliate organizations to ensure transparency and accountability; enforce effective inspection and monitoring mechanisms, enhance the quality of internal audit and control.

- Build a team of professional, disciplined, and ethical officials and public employees with adequate capacity and qualities to meet mission requirements:

+ Strictly and consistently practice direct and comprehensive leadership of the Communist Party in personnel matters and in managing the cadre corps based on democratic centralism principles.

+ Develop cadre planning, training, and retraining programs meeting basic, long-term task requirements, considering development demands and capacities.

+ Effectively implement personnel management policies, particularly in managing political quality; firmly protect internal politics.

+ Promote personnel rotation for training, retraining, practicing, and testing in practical situations.

- Effectively implement mechanisms that encourage and protect dynamic, innovative, and bold officials willing to be accountable for the common interest; immediately rectify and address evasion tendencies, hesitation, and risk-averse behaviors in officials and party members, especially in leadership and managerial cadres within agencies and units.

- Enhance law enforcement efficiency associated with strict control over state power, manage conflict of interest, and oversight assets and incomes of individuals in positions of power; emphasize the responsibility of heads in anti-corruption and negative phenomena efforts.

- Promptly implement wage policies for officials and public employees, in accordance with the Party and State's public service policies; agencies and units develop and execute legal measures to increase revenue, save expenditures, ensure reasonable and stable incomes for officials and public employees to secure their life and motivation; intensify control over the implementation of policies, standards, and norms in the activities of the agencies and units under the Ministry.

- Strengthen supervision, inspection, and strict handling of violations in duty performance, ethics, and conduct of officials and public employees, workers; decisively remove from the agencies, units, and enterprises of the Ministry those officials and public employees, workers morally degenerate, failing to fulfill duties and responsibilities.

- Intensify administrative reforms, focusing on streamlining administrative procedures; engage in the construction and effective operation of the electronic Government of Vietnam, digital Government (digitizing, standardizing existing data of cultural, sports, and tourism sectors to create a common shared database); continue to build and develop foundational systems (Digital Museum Platform; Tourism Management and Business Platform) according to the Ministry’s plans; enhance the application of science, technology, and technique in managing culture, family, sports, and tourism towards transparency, public accessibility, user-friendliness, fostering favorable conditions for businesses and the public, thereby improving management efficiency.

- Enhance financial transparency and promote cashless transactions.

- Increase transparency and openness in the activities of agencies, organizations, and units as prescribed by law, especially in areas prone to corruption and negativity: personnel work; financial and budget management, public assets, investment, construction, procurement, auction, licensing of activities related to culture, sports, tourism, etc.; facilitating organization and individual participation in decision-making and supervision of agency activities.

  1. Enhance inspection, supervision, and audit efforts

- Continue consolidating organizational structures, functions, tasks, powers, and professional processes for sectoral inspection in areas under the state management of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, ensuring effective, efficient activities, avoiding overlaps with other inspection, supervision, and audit agencies.

- Strengthen inspection and audit of sensitive areas prone to corruption and negativity, generating complaints, denunciations, internal discord, and social attention.

- Promote responsibility policies, and reinforce anti-corruption and negative phenomena efforts in agencies, organizations, and units with anti-corruption functions, particularly specialized agencies and units.

- Intensify training and capacity building for anti-corruption cadres, ensuring political capabilities, professional ethics, and discipline; ensure proper remuneration policies for anti-corruption cadres, securing their confidence and stability in duties.

- Cooperate with related agencies in implementing regulations on recovering assets appropriated or lost due to corruption and negativity; actively participate in developing and effectively leveraging the national database on asset and income control of individuals in power, promptly detecting, preventing, and handling corrupt acts and asset transfers as prescribed.

- Implement digital transformation and enhance information and digital technology application in inspection and audit activities.

- Strengthen collaboration with inspection, supervision, audit, investigation, prosecution, adjudication, and enforcement agencies in preventing, detecting, handling corruption and negativity, and recovering assets.

  1. Raise awareness, leverage societal roles and responsibilities in anti-corruption and Negative Phenomenaefforts

- Innovate and enhance the effectiveness of communication and legal education methods on anti-corruption; integrate anti-corruption content into education programs, train officials and public employees, and schooling; augment communication, legal education on anti-corruption and integrity ethics through cultural and artistic activities.

- Provide timely and accurate information on anti-corruption work, corruption, and negative phenomena cases to the press for dissemination; identify, promote positive elements, exemplary individuals, initiatives, and effective methods in anti-corruption efforts.

- Strengthen the monitoring roles and responsibilities of mass organizations, media units under the Ministry, business associations, and sectors within the Ministry's management scope during policy and legislation development and implementation; disseminate and promote legal education and law adherence, encouraging members, citizens to comply with anti-corruption policies and laws.

- Leaders of agencies and units under the Ministry shall receive, process, and resolve reports, complaints, and denunciations regarding corruption, negativity, and anti-corruption efforts in conformity with the law. Reward or propose recognition and protection for whistleblowers, reporters, and denouncers of corruption and negativity, and strictly handle or propose strict handling of individuals intentionally spreading false reports and denunciations to defame, disrupt, affecting political security, social order and safety, State interests, collective and individual legitimate rights and interests.

- Encourage and support enterprises operating in fields under the Ministry's management; build and practice integrity culture in business, closely coordinate with competent state authorities in preventing, detecting, promptly handling corruption and negativity, particularly in the non-state sector and incidents of officials and public employees extorting, receiving bribes.

  1. Actively participate and enhance international cooperation efficiency on anti-corruption and Negative Phenomenawithin the scope of the Ministry’s functions, duties, and powers

Enhance international cooperation on anti-corruption, especially in coordination, information sharing, and contracting with foreign partners to implement preventive anti-corruption and negative phenomena measures.


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