Plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025

Plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025
Trần Thanh Rin

The Prime Minister of Vietnam has approved the plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025 for Object 1 in 2025.

Plan for Developing National Defense and Security Knowledge for Object 1 in 2025

Plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025 (Internet image)

On June 26, 2024, the Prime Minister issued Decision 567/QD-TTg approving the plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025

Plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025

The Prime Minister approved the plan for providing training on national defense and security knowledge for Object 1 in 2025 with the following key contents:

(1) Purpose and Requirements

* Purpose

* Requirements

  • Agencies, organizations, and provinces/cities directly under the central government should nominate the right individuals, ensuring the appropriate number as per the allocation quotas of each course by the Central Organization Committee;

  • Individuals who miss a course must participate in subsequent national defense and security knowledge development courses.

(2) Content, Target Group, Time, Quotas, Location

  • Content: Follow the Circular 172/2020/TT-BQP dated December 30, 2020, from the Minister of Defense issued on the program, content; framework program for national defense and security knowledge development;

  • Target Group: Object 1 who has not yet received national defense and security knowledge development;

  • Time: Year 2025;

  • Quotas: 03 courses, each with 50 to 70 members;

  • Location: At the National Defense Academy.

(3) Implementation Funding

The funding for implementing the plan is ensured from the state budget as stipulated in Clause 2, Article 9, of Decree 13/2014/ND-CP dated February 25, 2014, of the Government, detailing and implementing measures of the Law on National Defense and Security Education.

(4) Implementation Organization

  • Ministries, agencies, government-affiliated bodies, central and local authorities and organizations are to direct relevant functional agencies to list object 1 within their jurisdiction who have not yet received national defense and security knowledge development. These lists should be reported to the Central Organization Committee (through the Training and Cadre Development Department, 2A Hoang Van Thu Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi) and the Ministry of Defense (through the Civil Defense Department - Central Council for National Defense and Security Education, 7 Nguyen Tri Phuong Street, Ba Dinh District, Hanoi) before December 30, 2024, and promptly updated in case of personnel changes;

  • The National Defense Academy is responsible for devising a plan for each national defense and security knowledge development course, submitting it to the Minister of Defense for approval, and organizing implementation;

  • The Civil Defense Department - Central Council for National Defense and Security Education will assist the Council's Standing Committee in coordinating with the Training and Cadre Development Department, Central Organization Committee, and National Defense Academy in the plan's organization. They will monitor and manage the content, program, quality, and outcomes of the courses; propose measures to resolve issues during implementation; and summarize results, reporting to the Central Council, the Prime Minister, and the Central Secretariat as prescribed.

More details can be found in Decision 567/QD-TTg, which comes into force from June 26, 2024.


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