Plan for organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in Vietnam in 2024

What are the contents of the Plan for organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in Vietnam in 2024? - Hoang Nam (Binh Dinh)

Plan for organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in Vietnam in 2024

Plan for organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in Vietnam in 2024 (Internet image)

On April 4, 2024, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Vietnam issued Plan 1393/KH-BVHTTDL on organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in 2024.

Plan for organizing propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in Vietnam in 2024

In order to continue promoting information and propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism to successfully implement key political tasks, build and develop culture, sports, and tourism, actively contribute to the country's achievement of economic and social development goals in 2024, the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism is developing a plan to organize propaganda about culture, sports, and tourism in 2024.

The focus will be on disseminating the results of the implementation of tasks in the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Communist Party of Vietnam and Resolution 50/NQ-CP dated May 20, 2021, issued by the Government on the Action Program to implement the Resolution of the 13th National Party Congress; (ii) the conclusions of General Secretary Nguyen Phu Trong at the National Cultural Conference in November 2021; on the functions, tasks, powers of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, (iii) the documents specifying and the scope of state management responsibilities of the Ministry in each field, especially the following contents:

- Building Vietnamese people during the period of renewal, development, integration with appropriate standard values, attached to preserving and promoting the values of Vietnamese families, cultural values, national values; combining traditional values with contemporary values: patriotism, unity, self-reliance, loyalty, honesty, responsibility, discipline, creativity.

- Comprehensive and coordinated development in the fields of culture, cultural environment, cultural life: Preserving and promoting traditional cultural values, absorbing the essence of human culture, propagating, promoting and spreading Vietnamese cultural values to friends and the international community through cultural events organized abroad; at the same time, improving the quality and effectiveness of creating new cultural values. Building a healthy and civilized cultural environment, closely linked to the struggle against evil, immorality, anti-culture. Improving the cultural life of the people; building a joyful, healthy, and happy cultural life; overcoming the disparities in cultural development and enjoyment among regions and areas of the country.

- Promoting the role of the creative subject, the cultural enjoyment subject is the people; respecting and protecting the diverse expressions of culture, of the people, ethnic groups, regions; developing profound and substantive cultural movements; improving conditions, enhancing the cultural enjoyment of the people, ensuring fairness. Enhancing the pioneering role of intellectuals, artists, and cultural workers.

- Promoting, preserving, and promoting the good traditional cultural values of Vietnamese ethnic groups.

- Propagating the work of enrollment, training, and Career Day in 2024 to develop human resources for the fields of culture, arts, physical education and sports, and tourism; enhancing capacity in digital transformation at training institutions under the Ministry.

- Organizing the implementation of the spokesperson task of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism according to the provisions of Decree 09/2017/ND-CP dated February 9, 2017, of the Government on detailing the spokesperson and providing information to the press of state administrative agencies and Decision 562/QD-BVHTTDL dated March 13, 2023, of the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism, issuing the Regulation on spokesperson and provision of information to the press of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

- Building and improving the system, mechanisms, policies towards "creation" and "unleashing" resources for the development of culture, sports, and tourism.

- Communicating policies that have a significant impact on society in the process of drafting legislative documents of the Ministry.

- Propagating the commemoration days, major events of the Ministry, prominent cultural, family, physical education and sports, and tourism events nationwide according to Instruction 69-HD/BTGTW dated September 20, 2022, of the Central Propaganda Committee on organizing activities to commemorate major holidays and important historical events from 2023 to 2025 and the guiding documents of the Party Affairs Board and the Party Committee of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

- Building a healthy cultural environment on the internet, arousing a sense of responsibility, national pride to gradually eliminate negative expressions, prevent and push back "deviations," guiding people towards Goodness - Beauty - Righteousness.

- Enhancing awareness of the role, significance, and benefits of physical exercise and sports in protecting and improving the health and quality of life of the people; promoting major sports events taking place in 2024.

- Promoting and disseminating images, destinations, and tourism activities; educating and raising awareness about the protection of the tourism environment; highlighting major tourism events in 2024.

- Propagating the results of implementing tasks and events according to the 2024 Work Program of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism, issued with Decision 171/QD-BVHTTDL dated January 22, 2024, by the Minister of Culture, Sports and Tourism.

- Specific content and task assignments: Detailed Appendix attached.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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