Plan for launching the cultural cooperation program between Vietnam and Belarus in the period 2024–2025

What are the details of the Plan for launching the cultural cooperation program between Vietnam and Belarus in the period 2024–2025? - Anh Linh (Binh Phuoc)

Plan for implementing the cultural cooperation program between Vietnam and Belarus in the period 2024–2025

Plan for launching the cultural cooperation program between Vietnam and Belarus in the period 2024–2025 (Internet image)

Regarding this matter, LawNet would like to answer as follows: 

On April 9, 2024, the Minister of Culture, Sports, and Tourism issued Decision 942/QD-BVHTTDL on the Plan for launching the "Cultural cooperation program between the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam and the Ministry of Culture of Belarus" in the period 2024–2025.

Plan for launching the cultural cooperation program between Vietnam and Belarus in the period 2024-2025

To effectively launch the Cultural cooperation program between the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism of Vietnam and the Ministry of Culture of Belarus signed on May 24, 2023, in Ho Chi Minh City (hereinafter referred to as the Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program), the Ministry of Culture, Sports, and Tourism issued the launching plan for the period 2024–2025 (hereinafter referred to as the Plan), which includes:

(1) Objectives, requirements:

- Objectives:

+ Effectively launch the Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program, thereby promoting the introduction and promotion of Vietnamese culture and image in Belarus; further enhance cultural exchange and cooperation between Vietnam and Belarus, contributing to the development of the traditional friendship between the two countries;

+ Identify specific areas and contents for the launch of the Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program in the period 2024–2025; maximize the utilization of available resources from both sides to develop cultural and artistic cooperation, contributing to attracting Belarusian tourists to Vietnam;

+ Contribute to the continued enhancement of the implementation of Prime Minister's Instruction No. 25/CT-TTg dated September 10, 2021, on the promotion of Vietnam's cultural diplomacy strategy.

- Requirements:

+ The implementation of the Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program must ensure practicality and conformity with the actual conditions of both countries, the legal provisions of both countries, and the international conventions of which Vietnam and Belarus are members;

+ Actively organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities between Vietnam and Belarus; enhancing the application of information technology in implementation; clearly defining the tasks corresponding to the lead units and coordinating units to achieve the required results;

+ Strengthening information and propaganda work when organizing cultural and artistic exchange activities between Vietnam and Belarus.

(2)  Tasks

- General tasks:

+ Strengthening comprehensive understanding and dissemination of the content of the Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program;

+ Vietnam and Belarus support and assist each other in international organizations in the field of culture and arts;

+ In 2025, both sides will exchange and develop a draft Vietnam-Belarus cultural cooperation program for the period 2026–2028 to be signed at an appropriate time for both sides;

+ Strengthen communication work in cultural and artistic exchange activities between the two countries.

- Organization of cultural and artistic events

+ Innovate forms and enhance the scale of activities to introduce and promote Vietnamese culture and arts in Belarus and Belarusian culture and arts in Vietnam, with a focus on introducing unique traditional and contemporary Vietnamese culture and arts;

+ Develop a plan and organize Vietnamese Culture Days in Belarus in 2025 with artistic performances and exhibitions to introduce Vietnamese culture and arts, thereby contributing to attracting Belarusian tourists to Vietnam;

+ Support Belarus in implementing translation projects into Vietnamese and publishing some Belarusian literary works.

- Organization of delegation exchanges

+ Promote the exchange of delegations at all levels, including delegations of leaders responsible for culture from both countries;

+ Organize visits and work in Belarus by the leaders of the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism in 2025;

+ Study the possibility of cooperation and exchange of lecturers and students specializing in culture and arts between Vietnam and Belarus.

- Participating in international cultural events in Vietnam and Belarus

+ Vietnam invites Belarus to participate in the 7th Hanoi International Film Festival in 2024;

+ Vietnam invites Belarusian artistic groups to participate in the International Dance Festival in 2024;

+ Studying the possibility of sending Vietnamese artistic delegations to participate in relevant international cultural events in Belarus, the 33rd Slavianski Bazaar International Art Festival in 2024 and the 34th festival in 2025.

More details can be found in Decision 942/QD-BVHTTDL, taking effect on April 9, 2024.

Nguyen Ngoc Que Anh


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