Outline reporting on the implementation of socialization policies in the field of vocational education in Vietnam

Outline reporting on the implementation of socialization policies in the field of vocational education in Vietnam
Dương Châu Thanh

What does the detailed outline of the report on the implementation of the socialization policy in the field of vocational education in Vietnam include?

Outline reporting on the implementation of socialization policies in the field of vocational education in Vietnam

Outline reporting on the implementation of socialization policies in the field of vocational education in Vietnam (Internet image) 

The Ministry of Labor, War Invalids, and Social Affairs issued Official Dispatch 4813/LDTBXH-TCGDNN dated November 9, 2023, on reporting on the implementation of socialization policies and mobilizing social resources in the field of vocational education.

Outline reporting on the implementation of socialization policies in the field of vocational education in Vietnam

The content of the outline report on the implementation of socialization policies and mobilization of social resources in the field of vocational education in the periods 2019–2023 is as follows;

I. Direction and administration work

(Assess the current status of local direction and administration to concretize social guidelines and policies in the field of vocational education according to the tasks assigned in Decree 69/2008/ND-CP and Decree 59/2014/ND-CP, Resolution 35/NQ-CP dated June 4, 2019, and other relevant documents).

II. The implementation of socialization policies in localities

1. Current status of the network of socialized vocational education institutions in the area

1.1. 2023

1.2. Period 2019-2023

In particular, it is recommended to report the number and proportion of private vocational education establishments (vocational education establishments owned by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals, invested by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals; construction of facilities); foreign-invested vocational education establishments; and other non-public establishments with vocational education activities. At the same time, compare it with the general network of vocational education establishments in the province.

2. Current status of enrollment, graduation, and employment after training

2.1. 2023

2.2. Period 2019-2023

In particular, it is recommended to report results at private vocational education establishments (vocational education establishments owned by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals, invested by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals; construction of facilities); foreign-invested vocational education establishments; and other non-public establishments with vocational education activities. At the same time, there is a comparison with the general results in the province.

3. Current situation of teachers and administrators

3.1. 2023

3.2. Period 2019-2023

In particular, it is recommended to report results at private vocational education establishments (vocational education establishments owned by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals invested by social organizations, socio-professional organizations, private economic organizations, or individuals; construction of facilities); foreign-invested vocational education establishments; and other non-public establishments with vocational education activities. At the same time, there is a comparison with the general results in the province

4. Results of mobilizing social resources to invest in the development of establishments with vocational education activities in the area

4.1. 2023

4.2. Period 2019-2023

5. The implementation of socialization mechanisms and policies in the field of vocational education:

5.1. 2023

5.2. Period 2019-2023

In particular, report on the situation of leasing and construction of facilities; land allocation and lease; Registration fees; value-added tax; export tax; import tax; and the application of corporate income tax; Preferential policies on credit, social insurance, health insurance;...

Particularly for the content of land allocation and land lease:

- Report on the implementation of: "Ensuring stability of land area of existing public vocational education institutions, and at the same time prioritizing the allocation of surplus land funds due to the arrangement and reorganization of public vocational education institutions, and the land fund being supplemented and increased in areas with convenient transportation infrastructure, near industrial parks, and export processing zones to attract investment and promote socialization of vocational education."

- Separately report cases where the People's Committee has leased land to an enterprise to implement an investment project to establish a vocational education facility but the vocational education facility has not been established at the time of reporting.

III. Difficulties, problems, and causes

1. Regarding mechanisms and policies

2. About land

3. Regarding socialization resources

4. Other issues

IV. Local solutions to encourage socialization until 2025

Based on the Party's guidelines and orientations and the state's policies, propose solutions to further promote the attraction of social resources to invest in vocational education, as well as other solutions to ensure the effective operation of socialized vocational education institutions. In particular, note the content related to the orientation of planning the network of vocational education institutions (if any).

V. Recommendations and suggestions

1. For the Government

2. For ministries/sectors

3. Other (if any).


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