Order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam

What are the regulations on the order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam? - Ngoc Son (Dong Nai)

Circular 22/2022/TT-BCA dated May 10, 2022 regulating contract labor in the People's Police promulgated by the Minister of Public Security of Vietnam.

Order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam

Order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam (Internet image)

Order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Public Security Forces in Vietnam

The order of recruitment of contract workers in the People's Police is specified in Article 15 of Circular 22/2022/TT-BCA, specifically as follows:

- The order of recruitment of contract workers at enterprises and self-financed public non-business units shall comply with current regulations on contract labor.

- The order of recruitment of contract workers with indefinite term and definite term from full 12 months to 36 months with state budget salary at unit and local police station shall be as follows:

+ Notice of need

At least 07 working days before the date of receiving the application for recruitment, Police units and localities must publicly announce their recruitment needs in the mass media or post them at their offices. The content of the notice includes the job, professional qualifications, quantity to be recruited, type of contract expected to be entered into, standards, conditions for signing, expected salary, dossier composition, reception location and application deadlines.

In case of labor recruitment arranged at key and confidential units, the head of the police station of the unit or locality shall decide on the form, content, and scope of the notification in accordance with the requirements;

+ Receipt of application for registration of labor recruitment

The unit directly employing the contract laborer shall arrange for staff to receive the dossier, make a monitoring book clearly stating the information and the order of submission, and have a receipt for the employee. Only receive dossiers that meet the needs and ensure all necessary documents are provided as prescribed, cases that do not meet the requirements will not receive dossiers. The maximum time for receiving dossiers shall not exceed 15 days from the date of expiry of the notice specified at Point a of this Clause;

+ Information exchange, professional examination

After receiving the application for employment registration, the unit directly employing labor (if necessary, it can coordinate with the organization and personnel agency or related units), organizes interviews, find out the thoughts and aspirations of the employees; exchange for employees to understand basic information on labor management, conditions of accommodation, meals, working at the unit, regulations on the protection of State secrets, and other issues directly related to the conclusion of labor contracts; conduct examination and assessment of professional abilities and skills (for jobs requiring workers to have professional qualifications and skills);

+ Verification, verification, and conclusion of the employee's background

Comply with current regulations of the Ministry of Public Security on background checks in the People's Public Security;

+ Labor recruitment

No later than 15 working days after the end of the time of receiving the candidate's application, units directly employing contract laborers shall summarize the results of interviews, professional tests, health standards, and political standards of candidates and report them to the heads of police offices of units and localities (through the organization and personnel agency) to approve and consider recruiting employees;

Within 7 working days from the date of receiving the application and report from the employer, the organization and staff of the unit and local police shall appraise and evaluate the results of interviews, professional tests, health standards, and political standards of candidates; based on the number of each type of labor contract approved by the competent authority, determine a list of those who have been recruited or failed to be recruited in the labor recruitment round, and submit it to the head of the police department of the unit or locality for approval;

In the event that there are two or more people who meet the criteria for signing a labor contract as prescribed, after considering the priority according to the order of priority specified in Clause 4 of this Article, the successful candidate still cannot be identified, the organization and personnel agency shall report to the head of the police station of the unit or locality to decide on the successful candidate;

+ Announcement of labor recruitment results

The organization and personnel agency of the unit or local police station shall notify the labor recruitment examination results to the unit directly employing the contract employee; The unit employing a contract employee is responsible for publicly posting the list of employees who are recruited or not recruited in the recruitment round at the head office of the unit and sending a written notice of the results to the employee at the address registered by the employee;

In case the employee does not pass the job or does not participate in the recruitment but requests to receive the application again,
The employer must return the application file (except the Application form and the Background Check) to the employee within 03 working days from the date of receipt of the request and collect the receipt. The return of dossiers is only done within 60 days from the date of notification of labor recruitment results;

+ Concluding employment contract

Based on the list of successful candidates, the organization and staff shall complete the dossier and report to the head of the police station of the unit or locality to sign a labor contract or a probationary contract with the employee according to its competence.

- Order of recruitment of contract workers with a term of less than 12 months on salary from the State budget:

+ Notify the need and receive the application for admission as prescribed at Points a and b, Clause 2 of this Article;

+ No later than 10 working days after the end of the time of receiving the candidate's dossier, the employer shall appraise the employee's dossier, if it meets the prescribed conditions and standards, then report to the head of the police department of the unit or locality (through the organization and personnel agency) to sign contracts with employees according to their competence;

- In the event that there are many candidates who satisfy the criteria for signing a labor contract as prescribed in Clause 2 of this Article, priority shall be given to signing the contract (in order) in the following cases:

+ The employee is the spouse of an officer or soldier serving in the People's Police; spouses of martyrs, war invalids, armed forces heroes, labor heroes;

+ The employees are war invalids and sick soldiers who must meet the occupational health standards as prescribed; the offspring of one of the following cases: martyrs, wounded soldiers, armed forces heroes, labor heroes, police officers, family children with meritorious services to the revolution;

+ The employee has completed the obligation to join the People's Police or the military service;

+ Employees are ethnic minorities.

Nhu Mai


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