Order of operation in a Meeting for assessment of the results of science and technology tasks in Vietnam (Illustrative Image)
Circular 11/2014/TT-BKHCN stipulates the working order in evaluation meetings for the results of implementing national-level science and technology tasks in Vietna as follows:
- The Chairman of the Council agrees and approves the working contents of the Council according to the provisions of this Circular;
- The Council appoints or elects a member as the scientific secretary to record the discussion opinions in the meetings, and to draft and complete the evaluation minutes according to the conclusions of the Council;
- The Council elects a vote counting committee consisting of 03 members of the Council, including one head to compile the opinions of the Council members;
- The task manager presents a summary of the task organization process, reports on the scientific and technological products, and self-assessment on the task's implementation results;
- The members of the Council pose questions to the task manager about the results and issues related to the task. The task manager and relevant individuals answer the Council's questions (if any) and do not continue to attend the Council's meeting;
- The team leader of the expert group reports the verification results of the task (if any); the reviewers read the comments on the task's implementation results; the scientific secretary reads the absent member's comment slips (if any); the Council members exchange opinions on the task results;
- The Council members evaluate and grade the task according to Form 7 in the Appendix issued with this Circular; the Council conducts a vote to evaluate the task results; the vote counting committee summarizes and reports the voting results according to Form 8 in the Appendix issued with this Circular;
- The Chairman of the Council drafts the Council's evaluation conclusion according to Form 9 in the Appendix issued with this Circular. In case the council evaluates the grade as "Fail," the specific contents implemented according to the contract must be identified for the task-leading Ministry to consider and handle according to the current regulations. The Council discusses to unify each conclusion content and approves the minutes;
- Representatives of agencies express their opinions (if any).
Note: The Council's concluding opinions are sent by the task management unit to the leading organization within 02 working days after the meeting ends as a basis for completing and finalizing the dossier.
Details can be found in Circular 11/2014/TT-BKHCN which comes into effect in Vietnam from August 1, 2014.
Ty Na