Newest Directive on payroll management and job placement in Vietnam

Newest Directive on payroll management and job placement in Vietnam
Quốc Tuấn

The article below will provide the newest Directive on payroll management and job placement in Vietnam

Latest  Directives  on  Payroll  Management  and  Job  Position  Construction

Newest Directive on payroll management and job placement in Vietnam (Internet image)

On August 06, 2024, the Office of the Government of Vietnam issued Official Dispatch 5578/VPCP-TCCV regarding payroll management and job placement in Vietnam

Newest Directive on payroll management and job placement in Vietnam

Implementing the assigned tasks stated in the above Conclusion, the Secretary of the Government of Vietnam Party Delegation, the Prime Minister of the Government of Vietnam has the following opinions:

(1) Assign the Ministry of Home Affairs:

- To take the lead, collaborate with ministries, central authorities, and local authorities to review and transfer the number of public employees within the total 7,191 public employee payroll (including 5,066 provincial payroll and 2,125 payroll in ministries and central authorities) currently working in official job positions of state administrative agencies and organizations into official status as appropriate; then specifically determine the number of remaining public employee payrolls that need to be converted into official status (including public employees meeting and those not meeting the standards and conditions for conversion into official status as per regulations) to consolidate and advise the Government of Vietnam Party Delegation.

- To resolve long-standing issues involving multiple agencies and organizations, the Ministry of Home Affairs, in coordination with relevant ministries and agencies, should thoroughly review, inspect, and precisely assess the assignment and management of payroll, financial management mechanisms, and income at state management agencies and organizations operating under unique financial management and income mechanisms (both before and after the mechanism); subsequently propose the appropriate official payroll and financial mechanisms for these agencies and organizations; ensuring compliance with principles, policies, and laws of the Communist Party and the State; report to the Government of Vietnam Party Delegation before submitting to the Politburo for consideration and decision.

- To lead and collaborate with the Ministry of Education and Training to review and assess the educational institution payroll from 2022 to 2026 and propose solutions for surplus teachers from 2024 to 2026 in localities for reporting to the Government of Vietnam Party Delegation for consideration and decision.

(2) Implement the Conclusion of the Central Steering Committee on payroll management, do not resolve requests for supplemental payroll from 2022 to 2026 for the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Construction, and the request not to reduce by 10% the number of workers at Vietnam Social Security from 2022 to 2026.

(3) Ministries, central authorities, and local authorities:

- Strictly implement the policies and regulations of the Communist Party on streamlining organizational structures, enhancing the effectiveness and efficiency of operations, reducing payroll numbers in connection with restructuring and improving the quality of officials and public employees;

- Direct agencies and units within their management purview to promptly approve and release the list of job positions for officials and public employees (for positions not included in the list, identify them according to Conclusion 35-KL/TW dated May 05, 2022, of the Politburo on the list of leadership positions and equivalents within the political system from the central to local levels);

- Continue to develop and complete job position descriptions and competency frameworks for officials and public employees within their management scope, ensuring compliance with the requirements of Resolution 28-NQ/TW dated November 17, 2022, of the Central Committee on continuously renewing the Party's leadership and governance methods regarding the political system in the new phase.

More details can be found in Official Dispatch 5578/VPCP-TCCV issued on August 06, 2024.


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