Miss Vietnam goes abroad to participate in beauty or model contests still has to ask for permission

This is a notable content mentioned at the Decree No. 144/2020/NĐ-CP on performance arts in Vietnam, effective from February 01, 2021.

Hoa hậu ra nước ngoài dự thi người đẹp, người mẫu, Nghị định 144/2020/NĐ-CP

Specifically, according to Article 20 of the Decree No. 144/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, Vietnamese nationals attending overseas beauty contests and/or model contests must request specialized cultural agencies affiliated to People’s Committees of provinces where the nationals reside in writing to issue written confirmation on participation in overseas beauty contests and model contests.

Procedures for application for issuance of written confirmation on participation in overseas beauty contests and model contests include:

- Applicants shall submit application in person, via postal service or online to competent authorities. Application include:

+ Declaration on attending overseas beauty contests and model contests (using Form No. 10 under Annex attached to this Decree);

+ Criminal record No. 1;

+ Copies of participation invitation together with Vietnamese translation bearing verified signatures of translators.

- If applications are inadequate, competent authorities shall request the applicants in writing to revise the applications within 3 working days after receiving the applications;

- In case applications are adequate as per the law, competent authorities shall issue written permission (using Form No. 11 under Annex attached to this Decree) and upload on the website within 5 working days. In case of rejection, produce written response and explanation;

- In case of any change to contents which have been approved, applicants shall issue a written explanation and submit in person, via postal service or online to application receivers.  Within 2 working days from the date on which adequate applications are received, application receivers must consider, decide and inform the applicants in writing.

Thus, Miss Vietnam goes abroad to participate in beauty contests, models must carry out procedures to request a written confirmation of participating in beauty contests and models abroad. Individuals who have not received confirmation from competent authorities must not utilize titles earned in overseas beauty contests and model contests in performance arts in Vietnam.

View more details at the Decree No. 144/2020/NĐ-CP of Vietnam’s Government, effective from February 01, 2021.

Ty Na


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